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Dreamation 2006

Started by Helvetian, October 17, 2005, 03:09:53 PM

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Hey all!

We're now turning our attention to Dreamation 2006, January 19-22 at the Hilton in East Brunswick.  As always, we'll be providing the Forge-affiliated independent publishers a suite for sleeping and party purposes.  And, as always, we'll be feeding all the reps and GMs from our staff hospitality suite for the entire event.

For Dreamation, I've again staked out the spot between the two pillars on B-Deck.  It's a very central location and you will have constant foot-traffic.  If NerdNYC will be joining us as well, the option will be theirs whether to set up by you or in the dealers area.  As you guys know, we'll do whatever works best for you.  Unlike DEXCON, the VG room will not be right by that area, so there won't be all the distracting noise from the games.  Generally, in fact, those rooms are the RPG area so you will once again be right outside where the tabletoppers will be.

If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask.  My job's to look after you guys.  :-)

Rebecca Badurina
Vice President, Programming
Double Exposure, Inc.

Michael S. Miller

Hi, Becca.

As always, much thanks to you, Vinnie, and the entire Double Exposure staff for your wonderful hospitality.

This year we're going to split responsibilities. Tony is going to be in charge of the booth space. Kat 'n' I are going to be in charge of the scheduled games and the party.

So, anyone interested in coming to the convention, speak up right here. If you would like to run one or more scheduled games, please state that also. Also, if you'll be taking advantage of the common crash space, please state that as well. For scheduling, Kat 'n' I will contact people privately to avoid cluttering up the forum.

If you need more information, feel free to post your questions.

Dreamation was an incredible success for us last year. I'm really looking forward to another great con!
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Andrew Morris

MIke, what's the cut-off date for getting info to you if we're running games?
Download: Unistat

Michael S. Miller

Good question, Andrew.

I'd like to know who is interested in coming and running what by 11/16 at the latest. That will give me the Thanksgiving holiday to work out a schedule, and a week or so afterward to make corrections.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Andrew Morris

Well, I'm definitely going, since it's right down the street, I get to play even more indie games, and PDQ is holding their latest Distant Mirror event there. As to running games, the only ones I feel I know well enough to run are Capes, Universalis, InSpectres, and Dogs in the Vineyard. Here's the thing -- you can put me down for sessions of those games whenever you like, to fill out the schedule, but I have to be free for PDQ's Distant Mirror LARP, which will probably take up most of one day. I'll try to find out when that's running. Other than that, I don't have any preference about timeslots, other than not particularly wanting to run games into the small hours of the morning and wanting to have some time for playing. I'm also happy to help out at the booth, as needed.
Download: Unistat

Robert Bohl

I feel confident in running (in order) Dogs in the Vineyard, Burning Wheel, and feel pretty sure I can learn Sorcerer enough in time.  I might also be able to run MLWM.  (I would, by the way, like to run games).  And also, I'll be going.

I am Rob's backward post.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG

Brennan Taylor

I will run Bulldogs! and pretty much any other game on the IPR roster that no one else lays claim to. Also, I will put feelers out for more GMs as needed. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out, Michael.

Nathan P.


Assuming no acts of God, I'll be there. I'll get in touch about exactely what games I'll run by the 16th (def. Timestream, maybe some Inspectres and/or PTA) but I will attend for sure.

Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters


I'm going to run something.

I dunno.

I'm going to run Sorcerer, maybe some Dictionary of Mu and maybe some more straight-up Sorcerer stuff.

We'll see, I'm going to marinate on this for a little while longer.


While people are contemplating the things they want to do with the Con, if you've got time that you absolutely cannot see committing to running a game (because I'm not interested in poaching people who could be helping Michael) I'd be interested to hear how many people would like power lessons in running demonstrations of various systems.

Would you be willing to learn the system from anybody, or is there a special cachet to learning it directly from the designer?

Does your interest level rise if you come away from learning the demo with free material, like the character sheets and such that were used in said demo?
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


Hi folks,

I'll be there for the weekend. I'm planning on running Burning Wheel games on Saturday from 10 am to Midnight: The Sword, The Gift, and Inheritance, our new one.

I'd be interested in running a panel of sorts on Friday evening/late afternoon if you think there'd be any interest Rebecca.


Robert Bohl


If it turns out I have some free time, I'd probably be willing to run some demos for you guys.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG

Jared A. Sorensen

I'd certainly like to attend (it's not crazy far away and I had fun the last time I went to Dreamation). But the problem is: what the hell would I do? I don't like to run games...that's for sure.
jared a. sorensen /

Andrew Morris

Quote from: Jared A. Sorensen on October 25, 2005, 04:01:46 PM
But the problem is: what the hell would I do? I don't like to run games...that's for sure.

Staff the booth. Pimp your games. Do seminars or workshops.
Download: Unistat


Making my committment to the weekend more concrete:

I 'd like to run Sorcerer: Dictionary of Mu twice, Lacuna once, and Primetime Adventures once.

I'd prefer to run games on Friday and Saturday, since Thursday and Sunday will be travel days for me.

Mayhaps...Mu on Friday, early afternoon and Lacuna later that evening.  Mu on Saturday, early afternoon and Primetime Adventures later that evening.

If there is someone I need to e-mail with a blurb, let me know.