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Simulationism Aside

Started by Mike Holmes, October 17, 2005, 05:31:26 PM

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Mike Holmes

Quote from: Merten on October 20, 2005, 06:35:43 PM
This, all the way to the My Guy play - I'm very much agreeing, both from the perspective of this is how I think channeling works and the perspective of how it could be thought as (and, potentially become) My Guy -play.
To be clear, My Guy play as I'm refering to it is the dishonest player saying that the only result that occurs to him to do is one that he knows will annoy another player (or players). And he uses the excuse "that's what My Guy would do!" to hide behind the character and not accept responsibility for his actions.

QuoteOkay, I think I understand you now - and disagree, to some extent. That is, if the players have not agreed to be entertaining to each other, then taking the action which seems to be only intresting to the player (however he's internally reasoning this) is not dysfunctional. If they have agreed on entertaining and collaborative play then I'm pretty much in agreement that yes, taking an action intresting to the player and not intresting to other can be considered dysfunctional.
We agree. Though I'll say again that I think an implicit part of the CA to be entertaining is hard to resist, it being a social activity after all.

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Mike Holmes

Whoops, totally missed that Ron had closed the thread. Anyhow, looking forward to the subthreads.

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