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Playing with Parables

Started by Levi Kornelsen, January 11, 2006, 09:53:02 PM

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Ron Edwards


I may have missed this in previous threads or posts, but just in case, are you familiar with the card game, Once Upon a Time? I have comments on what you have so far, but which ones I'll post depend on what you know of this game.


Levi Kornelsen

Yes.  Once Upon A Time was one of the things that spurred me to write this - partly, I wanted to play something like it, in a different tone, without needing to make a whole new deck of cards.


On a seperate note, as far as alternate structures go, I'm pondering how to use this system to create Towns for Dogs - with the various stages being Pride, Injustice, Sin, and so on.

Matt Machell

As well as Once Upon a Time, other possible sources to look at are Pantheon (Hogshead NewStyle) and Aye, Dark Overlord (Stratelibri), both of which follow a slightly different varient on this kind of play.
