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[Realm] New Changes

Started by sayter, January 19, 2006, 05:17:34 AM

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Bill Masek


Ok, so your core currencies are:

Experience:  Most important currency, used to determine power level of characters.  Permanent.
Ki:  Second most important currency, used to fuel larger powers.  Expendable.
Sway:  Least important currency.  Gives bonuses and penelites.  Permanent and expendable.

What exactly is experience in Realm?  What do characters need to do to acquire it?  Since xp is the most important currency, it will be the driving force of your game, the major motivations for players to drive their characters towards.

Try Sin, its more fun then a barrel of gremlins!
Or A Dragon's Tail a novel of wizards demons and a baby dragon.


Experience is gained just through showing up, good roleplay, completing objectives, piecng togehter mysteries and completing story arcs. Maybe between 1 to 3 on average, per session. Some sessions may award more, and some players may consistently RP well and gain that extra experience as well.
Chris DeChamplain
-Realm- RPG