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Appalachia Now! fan art

Started by Tim Denee, April 15, 2002, 12:52:31 PM

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Tim Denee

Ta da!

Behold my amateur drawing ability (but I'm improving!)

So, what's the word on a cleaned/focused/stream-lined "Appalachia Now!"?

In other news, I'm incorporating the changes suggested into Punk. It'll be ready. Soon.



You're a nut.  Can I put that somewhere on my website.

I was just about to post a reply to the Appalachia Now! thread, so check that out...

I can't wait to see Punk 2.0.

- Scott

Tim Denee

Last time I post a hick pic here, I promise

This one's better if you've seen the second episode of futurama, (where they get stuck on the moon and have to work at the farm).


The last one? Really?  Sigh.  Oh was fun while it lasted.

I haven't seen the episode of Futurama you're talking about, but the picture is still funny.  I love this stuff.

Thanks a million...

- Scott

Tim Denee

Hee hee hee... Toilet humour's funny

Sorry Ron and Clinton. This stuff is grossly against forum policy, right?
The urls of any future installments of this (so far daily) series will be sent straight to Scott.

Ron Edwards

Hi Tim,

Why, how well-timed that last comment was. Yes, indeed, all present and future Appalachia Now artwork should be made available at Scott's and/or Tim's sites, and not here.

Good-bye, li'l thread. It was nice, but now it's done.
