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Updated Wish Lists for 2006

Started by Spooky Fanboy, April 04, 2006, 10:40:43 PM

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Matt Machell

I'm really looking forward to:

Cold City
Luke's Seekrit Project.
That game about Journeying Robots Vincent mentioned on his blog a while ago
GenCon, Indy

I'm also really keen to get Covenant in print.


Arturo G.

Over any other thing I wish I will keep on playing... more and more!

BTW, I still have a couple of games bought in my first Forge's fevers which I have not yet test. There are so many things to try and time is so short!



Legends of Alyria!  Oh. . . wait.  Okay, nevermind that one.

Galactic.  Shock.  Acts of Evil.

Especially Acts of Evil.


Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Michael S. Miller

I'll second, third, or whatever the Acts of Evil.

Looking forward to Robots & Rapiers, Galactic, and Red Sky AM.

I've finally given up hope of ever seeing Sorcerer & Space ... which means it might actually happen.

Luke Crane's Soopa Sekrit Project will be another excuse for me to give Luke money, so that's a good thing.

And, well, any finished project from Incarnadine Press would be a very, very good thing. ;)
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!


Quote from: Marhault on April 05, 2006, 02:13:24 PM
Legends of Alyria!  Oh. . . wait.  Okay, nevermind that one.

Well, um, I am currently working on getting a print version together.  The current hold-up is the index.  Anything worth writing is worth indexing, but indexing a book that clocks in a little over 150 pages is a long process.

Haven't announced this yet, but this seemed like a good time....
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Chris Gardiner

Stranger. Fucking. Things.

I hunger for it with great hunger.


a) Luke's Super Secret Project
b) The Dictionary of Mu (that's two, Judd!)
c) A revised, print version of Trollbabe
d) The BW Magic Burner (if different from (a), above)


Now I too want Acts of Evil, what a nice breed of concept between kpfs and competent characters!
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Andrew Cooper

Legends of Alyria
and some nookie tonight with my wife.

Sounds good.


Quote from: GreatWolf on April 05, 2006, 03:55:06 PMWell, um, I am currently working on getting a print version together.  The current hold-up is the index.  Anything worth writing is worth indexing, but indexing a book that clocks in a little over 150 pages is a long process.

Haven't announced this yet, but this seemed like a good time....
Seriously?  I think you already know you can put me down for a preorder!

And was "clocks in" a pun?


Quote from: Chris Gardiner on April 05, 2006, 04:13:37 PM
b) The Dictionary of Mu (that's two, Judd!)

Thanks, Chris, because I am totally counting.

Really, I am.


Quote from: Marhault on April 05, 2006, 06:15:56 PM
Seriously?  I think you already know you can put me down for a preorder!


And was "clocks in" a pun?

Not an intentional one....
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Josh Roby

I wish for enough time and pliable player to play the damn torrent of games coming out.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog

Paul Czege

What is Acts of Evil?


    I begat you this day of Harpocrates, my son, in a ritual of acid and viscus, and not of love, but neither without design. No doubt the pain that burns in you now, my godling, rings forth in curses upon my being. I would expect nothing less of a true child of my making. Would that I were there to receive them. And to personally impress my paternity and purpose upon you.

    Alas, we stand now divided by a vast and brutish cosmos. And so this epistle must needs suffice.

    But know this, my terrible child, you are without question the product of my will upon the sour nothing that you were. From my own gut I pulled the thorny seed that moves about now so unwelcome in your gastric soil.

    And indeed its steel beard doth chafe upon your soul!

    So receive this as your first lesson. The wretched creatures which comprise the great clamor of humanity are each haplessly constrained by the souls within them. Their conversations, their imaginations, the shape and function of the flesh upon their limbs, their squalid lives and miserable deaths, all are merely dumb physical utterances of the souls they carry inside. But you, my magickal son, are no longer so limited. Charging only the price of abiding pain, the thorny Manaster has loosed you from the soul's grip, and indeed truly liberated you from the unfortunate species into which you were born. Your flesh, your voice, your imagination, all have been returned to you, limited now only by the size and aspirations of your own Will.

    I have opened you to the pursuit of godhood.
    The fundamentals of Fear and Impendence

    Enter, my son, the secret enterprise of bestial power with the fullest expectation of constant and profound fear. For you do not crawl the path of godhood alone. The Manaster which so fiercely spurns your natural digestive action has incarnated you as a node in the cosmic oeconomy of power and rapacious clarity. But there are many such nodes across time and space, and each of them a dangerous being. And know that any of them will destroy you, or me, if not checked by our own desperate impendence. They disturb my emotional landscape like the untamed predators they are.

    But therein lies the most hidden secret of the oeconomy. The terror, in prevailing upon you, enlarges you. The oeconomy is a fitful, capricious, living thing, comprised of the interests of the nodes that constitute it. And the terror commands your full and serious attention to your position and status among them. For if ever you lose the terror, you are overrun.

    So drink deep from fear, my son, and bring your cunning and ruthlessness and ambition to bear on the ingathering of power and clarity. However show not your fear and move powerfully in your dealings with the nodes. Take knowledge from the teachers, stealing it when it is withheld. Seek out the places that exert awful power over the stream of life. Unlock their secrets and bend them to your service. Pursue objects of power, and seize them when you can. Make examples of your rivals. Have no mercy. This is your assertion of imminent godhood. This is the expression your impendence.[/list]

    In a normal human, the visceral capacities of the flesh, voice, imagination, and memory are an expression of the soul within. The severing of this soul connection ushers a player character into the occult tradition. It frees the flesh, voice, imagination, and memory from all constraint (offering the character the opportunity to be a God).

    In the occult pursuit of godhood, normal humans are basically fuel. Their unsevered connection to the soul renders them an endless font of Power which the occultists exploit in pursuit of personal godhood.

    As a game object, it's a bait and switch. It baits the player with the promise of character intensity. "You are an occult badass. The world is your stepstool." And then it switches up, forcing the player to "personize" non-occultist NPCs, to reveal their humanity.

    So the player characters are actually the antagonists. They're irredeemably evil. And thematically static. They are proscribed from having protagonizing endings. They can't be forgiven by one of their victims. These occultist characters have Lovecraftian endings. They're lost in extradimensional vortices, crushed by restless alien behemoths, turned to a pillar of salt by poorly controlled magic.[/list]

    Crunch My Life with Master together with Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey, Victor Gijsbers' Vampires: A Postmodern Roleplaying Game and Darrick Dishaw's Empire of Satanis and you get Acts of Evil.

    My Life with Master knows codependence.
    And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

    Russell Collins

    Some new friends so I can playtest Contract Work.

    Some near strangers who can playtest Contract Work.

    Time to edit based on that feedback.

    The finished .PDF;  Contract Work hollowpoint edition.

    Demoing Contract Work at a con.

    The printed book; Contract Work.

    In that order.
    My homeworld was incinerated by orbital bombardment and all I got was this lousy parasite.

    Russell Collins
    Composer, sound designer, gamer, dumpling enthusiast.