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Origins 2006

Started by Marhault, April 05, 2006, 10:22:26 PM

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So, once again, the big Indie convention is GenCon, which I won't be attending.  I am, however, planning to attend Origins this year.  So, who else is gonna be there?  What games are available for scheduled/pickup games?

I had a great time meeting some folks last year, and would love to some good gaming and actually play some of these beautiful things!

Brennan Taylor

If all goes as planned, Mortal Coil will debut at Origins. I plan on running some after-hours games, and lots and lots of demos.

Michael S. Miller

I'll also be at Origins, mostly demoing games at the IPR booth. I'm scheduled to run one session of With Great Power... on Friday night. But my amazing wife is running something like 8 slots of scheduled With Great Power... games and, since she runs the game better than I do, I'd suggest you take advantage of it.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!



My friend Brian and I used to go to Origins every year.  But things are really hectic nowadays, so I won't be able to make it.  I miss it though.  We always had a great time.




Cool, Mike, I thought I read that you would be there.  I'll keep my eyes out for Kat's WGP slots.  I don't suppose there's any chance that you're going to run MLwM whil you're in town?

Brennan, any idea what you're planning on running after hours?

Clinton R. Nixon

I will also be an Origins attender this year.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Brennan Taylor

Quote from: Marhault on April 06, 2006, 01:47:20 PM
Cool, Mike, I thought I read that you would be there.  I'll keep my eyes out for Kat's WGP slots.  I don't suppose there's any chance that you're going to run MLwM whil you're in town?

Brennan, any idea what you're planning on running after hours?

I am going to run at least a couple sessions of Mortal Coil, but I also love to run Dogs in the Vineyard, so there will be at least one session of that as well. Other games based on what I am in the mood for and what everyone else is up to.

Michael S. Miller

Quote from: Marhault on April 06, 2006, 01:47:20 PM
I don't suppose there's any chance that you're going to run MLwM whil you're in town?

One never knows the Master's moods. Talk to me at the con.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Lisa Padol

Josh and I will be there. We're hoping Beth'll come along, too. We're not scheduled to run anything, and Josh will likely spend much time in the CCG area, but I'm likely to overbook rpgs as usual.

We're not currently planning to make GenCon.

Stuff I already know that I want at Origins -- PTA (need a copy for a friend), Dictionary of Mu


Mike Holmes

I'm going (surprise, surprise). See y'all there.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Cool, Mike (Holmes), looking forward to seeing you again.  Sounds like there's some good Indie potential this year!