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What Digital/Computer/Console Games do you play?

Started by Andy Kitkowski, April 06, 2006, 03:06:46 PM

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Mike Holmes

One of the massive benefits of playing way to many TT RPGs is that it gets you way behind in your computer game playing. Meaning you can buy really cheap game systems that everyone finds obsolete, and dirt cheap games.

To whit, in our house, we've been playing nothing but Breath of Fire CRPGs on the old Playstation of late. Before that it was Zelda games on the N64.

Once the PS III is out, I'll think about getting a PS2. Maybe. When you don't even look at the newest games out there, you don't miss being behind, I've found.

I've been thinking about getting Civ 3 for the computer, but who has time?


Member of Indie Netgaming
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joshua neff

I think I can one-up you, Mike. The computer games I've been playing lately are:

Civilization: Call to Power
Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets (those two were present for my daughter, but we've both been playing them)
and I just downloaded the first Elder Scrolls game (I've never even seen the other ES games)

I am a computer game wayback machine.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes


I got y'all beat -- I'm back to playing Nethack again. 


Mike Holmes

One always goes back to play Nethack or Moria, or some other Roguelike game after a while. Doesn't one? That's not being behind, that's nostalgia or something.

Josh, funny, but I bought those Harry Potter games in a fourpack recently and we've finished exactly the same ones you have so far. We're waiting for Marj's machine to get repaired before doing 3.

That's kinda creepy. Or maybe we just saw the same games on sale?


Member of Indie Netgaming
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joshua neff

Quote from: Mike Holmes on April 06, 2006, 05:51:13 PMJosh, funny, but I bought those Harry Potter games in a fourpack recently and we've finished exactly the same ones you have so far. We're waiting for Marj's machine to get repaired before doing 3.

That's kinda creepy. Or maybe we just saw the same games on sale?

Could be. Morgan's birthday was coming up. We had already reserved a copy of the latest HP movie on DVD for her. We were low on funds. We saw a three-pack of the first two games with the Quidditch World Cup game (which we haven't played yet) for pretty cheap, so we picked it up. It was a good choice, because both Morgan and I have gotten loads of playtime out of the two games. I think the Chamber of Secrets game is actually one of the better computer games I've played, with it's mix of linear and nonlinear play, the size of the game "world," and the choices you can make along the way. The first book/movie game was pretty good, but the second book/movie game is much better. I've heard the Prisoner of Azkaban game isn't as good, though.

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes


I was playing WoW for a while-- it was a lot of fun at first, with a good group of RL friends.  When half the group gave up and Chris joined an end-game guild, I played less and less, until I finally canceled my account.  Of course, now friends are getting into it-- but on new servers, etc., so I'm resisting returning to it.

I did reinstall Alpha Centauri and play through a game of it just recently.  It was a lot of fun.
Hey, I'm Scott Martin. I sometimes scribble over on my blog, llamafodder. Some good threads are here: RPG styles.


Okay, Nethack = nostalgia.  I buy it.

What about Resident Evil (the first one), is that sufficiently behind?


Larry L.

Just playing Nethack. Nostalgia? The fuck you say! It's still the best CRPG around.

I haven't been able to afford to blow money on PC hardware in years, so I'm way behind the curve there. Not really losing any sleep over it or anything. Paying more than $20 for a computer game is silly anyway, since they hit the bargain bins.

I play X-Box multiplayer stuff with my friends.

I need to set aside some time and finish Ur-Quan Masters.

Mike Holmes

Josh, that's identical to the one we got (had quidditch, too), except we got 3 with it.

Julie, Resident Evil, yah, that's olde school. I'll have to go find a copy of Alone in the Dark to beat that...

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Nethack's not nostalgia, I still haven't beaten it. And there was an update last year.

I'm currently mostly playing Dungeon Siege and Sims 2 Nightlife. Been trying this challenge in Sims 2 where you create a full family within certain requirements, give them a bunch of money, and try to equip a house in such a way that they can survive on their own (no intervention) for ten real-world hours. First family all died at about eight and a half hours. Second family had one survivor. They do great at first, but usually around four or five hours they discover some repetitive behavior and their needs plummet. First group was smashing back drinks at the bar until they died, second was freaked out by a roach infestation and spent their miserable lives stomping the heck out of 'em.

I dunno why I'm playing Dungeon Siege again, I beat it once. I used to do that with Quake I and Heretic II, go back and beat it again... tried to reinstall Heretic II a couple weeks ago, though, and it doesn't seem to work anymore on XP. Graar smash.

Other than that, I don/t keep up to date with video games.
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
rpg projects:


Everybody's talking nostalgia, and Ralph's the only one who's mentioned Wasteland, which is very possibly the best computer game ever made.

Yeah.  Ever


Quote from: jrs on April 06, 2006, 06:06:23 PM
What about Resident Evil (the first one), is that sufficiently behind?

I liked #2 alot better.

Anyway, I'm WAY behind of games as of late. I'm with Mike, I like buying all the games I never got to play in the bargin bin. At some point this year I'm going to update my computer and get a PSP, so hopefully I'll be able to catch up with everything.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Mike Holmes

People have beaten Nethack? Dude, I think that's an urban myth.

Rogue wasn't too bad. Moria was hard. Angband is reeeely hard (and I never finished). Omega has a trick finish. Nethack? I figured that if you looked at the code that there was no bottom.

A new version of nethack is...well, just more of same, no?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Quote from: Mike Holmes on April 06, 2006, 08:12:08 PM
People have beaten Nethack? Dude, I think that's an urban myth.

Rogue wasn't too bad. Moria was hard. Angband is reeeely hard (and I never finished). Omega has a trick finish. Nethack? I figured that if you looked at the code that there was no bottom.

A new version of nethack is...well, just more of same, no?
Mostly it's bug fixes for really weird situations that pop up in the game, plus attempts to make stealing from shopkeepers a little harder. And maybe they got rid of the cheat of using a cursed scroll of genocide on kraken while you're on land, but I'm not sure. But they also add stuff, like the ponies for the knights to ride.

Even though I never do very well, I like the depth of detail and variety of actions you can do in Nethack, and the way you can try to identify magic items with various tricks (engraving with wands, tossing rings in the sink.)

I'm hoping my tabletop solitaire/collaborative roguelike RPG will be nearly as fun.
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
rpg projects:


Quote from: Marhault on April 06, 2006, 07:58:32 PM
Everybody's talking nostalgia, and Ralph's the only one who's mentioned Wasteland, which is very possibly the best computer game ever made.

Yeah.  Ever

Wasteland rocked hard. 

"You empty your clip into the pistolero, and he disappears in a fine red mist"
"The Rad Dog explodes like a blood sausage"

It was like playing Mack Bolan the PC game.