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Started by Clinton R. Nixon, April 03, 2003, 04:26:03 PM

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Clinton R. Nixon

Hey, everyone - it's your friendly local administrator. Here's the press release about our birthday:
The Forge, a community website for the promotion and creation of creator-owned role-playing games, is about to celebrate the second birthday of its newest incarnation. On April 3, 2001, our forums opened for business under the direction of our administrators, Ron Edwards and Clinton R. Nixon, and have been an active site for role-playing game creation on the Internet ever since, with great games like Dust Devils, Trollbabe, Universalis, Donjon, and The Pool emerging from discussions there.

For four days, from April 3 to April 7, 2003, we're letting our hair down. With a special, no-registration-needed, all-topics-open Birthday Forum, we invite anyone who has ever been interested in the Forge or role-playing game creation to come, ask questions, and celebrate with us. Hope to see you there!

There's only one rule in this forum: be nice, damnit. Have a great time!
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Clinton R. Nixon

Welcome back, everyone! It's time for another Forge Birthday, which we're very excited about. Same rules as last year - post whatever you like, and have a great time doing so.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Ron Edwards

And be nice, dammit. Same rule as last year.

AND, do not post to old threads from last year! Very important.



"letting our hair down."

and then "do this, that, and definitely never do THAT!"

Sometimes, I have to laugh so hard my soda spews from my nose.  Other times, such as now, a staid chuckle will suffice.

It reads like someone saying: "and follow these steps carefully and accurately to allow for maximum chaos."


Eric Provost

Quote from: Dav

It reads like someone saying: "and follow these steps carefully and accurately to allow for maximum chaos."


*L!*  I love that!  Mind if I use that quote?


Clinton R. Nixon

Welcome back! We're live and we thrive after four long years.

Make a mess. Keep it nice. Don't be evil. These are your rules.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Clinton R. Nixon

Holy crap, it's five years. FIVE YEARS, MAN!

We're open! We're live! Do you know the rules?

* Be nice to each other.
* Talk about whatever you want.
* Learn who your fellow posters are.
* Celebrate.

It's awesome that this overlaps with the Forge Midwest convention happening this weekend.

The Forge Birthday Forum will close this Sunday evening, April 9th.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games