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Fuck Rock n Roll!

Started by Latreya Sena, April 08, 2006, 07:59:53 AM

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Eric J-D


Hey, don't get me wrong.  I LOVE John Sayles' movies.  If there is any indei guy who, in my opinion, deserves to be brought to the top of the "Give 'em the Criterion treatment" list it's Sayles.  Several of his films that are currently available deserve to be given a good cleaning and spiffier presentation.  But I digress.

This might seem like a bit of a weird choice, but part of me thinks that Jared should be Jan Svankmajer.  Either that or the Quay Brothers.  I hope that flatters rather than infuriates, Jared.



joshua neff


Huh? I wasn't arguing with you, I was agreeing with you. Why are you still trying to convince me?

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes


Pedro Almodovar is so totally Paul Czege.
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Eric J-D


Not trying to convince so much as make clear that the love being shown for Sayles here is love that I share. 




QuotePedro Almodovar is so totally Paul Czege.

But Almodovar, he is ¡Muy Macho!
AKA Jeff Zahari

joshua neff


"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes


And Paul isn't?

I'm saying for the fucked upness brilliance.
You know what I mean. My mom watches Almodovar, and I think my mom could enjoy Czege, if it weren't participational, AKA, if he were a movie director, which he'd be Almodovar ;)
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Bryan Hansel

Who's Kevin Smith?  Has anyone made five games about the same thing -- dick and fart jokes, and then after he said he'd never make another game like the others, he turns around and makes a sequel to his first game?

Ben Lehman

I'm working on Kevin Smith :-)



I'm thinking Zhang Yimou for you, Ben.
AKA Jeff Zahari


Ron can't be Godard, because he can't say "I hate all you bourgeois american pigs" in french.

Anyways, all roleplayers are Godard. Just watch Alphaville.
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
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