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What else are you geeky about?

Started by Meguey, April 09, 2006, 02:14:08 PM

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Oh, I forgot one! National Geographic magazine. I have a *huge* collection, spanning 1940-2006, with gaps. It's the only database I've ever made, cataloguing the ones I have, cross-checking for duplicates, etc. The Dec. 1990 issue on glass is so cool I have multiple copies. And the Dec. 1988 one with the all-holographic cover is awesome. The earliest one I have is a bound book of all of 1918. Waaay cool.


Oops. That was me. I scooped his seat at the computer. He would never be that geeky about NGeo. He's way cooler than me. 'Cept he has used them tons for gaming research, so there you go.


I also possess a shocking breadth of geekiness, altohugh I'll admit there are a few areas in which I excel(?):

--I am a David Bowie freak and can name nearly any of his songs within hearing a couple of notes, as well as recite lyrics to most of them.
--I am obsessed with zombie movies, particularly the original Dawn of the Dead, which I can recite line for line.
--I am the current world champion of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, if you definre the "world" by all the people I have ever played against.  Seriously, I did Bruce Lee and Elvis.  And Reggie Bannister from Phantasm.

Also, like that guy in Garden State, I have not one, but two--TWO--full sets of Desert Storm trading cards.


Ben Lehman

National Geographic is the bomb.

I am also geeky about mythologies, by which I mean "the stories that are told around religion and the supernatural."  Particularly Aztec and Sumerian, although that's mostly just an accident of history.  I want to learn more about pre-Incan South American myths.


Bryan Hansel

Quote from: ironick on April 10, 2006, 02:41:59 AM
--I am the current world champion of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, if you definre the "world" by all the people I have ever played against.  Seriously, I did Bruce Lee and Elvis.  And Reggie Bannister from Phantasm.

I just sent this off to a good friend of mine in California, and I'll see if he can get these.

Michael S. Miller

Quote from: James_Nostack on April 09, 2006, 07:15:11 PM
I terrify myself with my geekiness about Marvel comics.  I read them like crazy between the ages of about 6 to 14 (most of the 80's), and then stopped cold, and with a very few exceptions haven't read superhero comics in close to 15 years.  Yet all of that data is always at the top of my brain! 

Ditto. I read the Complete Handbook of the Marvel Universe from cover to cover, each of--what?--15 issues of the series. There were 2 entries for the Beyonder because the "B" issue came out one month before the final issue of Secret Wars 2 and they didn't want to spoil that he died in the end. Then he was listed again in the "Book of the Dead."

Thus, With Great Power...

QuoteI also have the same deal going with the original Star Wars movies.

James, you really have to stop being me. It's one of the few things I do pretty well, and I will not take kindly to competition!
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