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New to the Forge

Started by OverDream, May 12, 2006, 01:11:56 PM

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I have been an armature rpg-designer for some twenty years now, and am looking for a place to showcase my work and gain feedback and insight into the competency of my designs.  I am just uncertain as to how or where to do I in the right place?  If not, please accept my apologies in advance.


Nathan P.

Hi there OverDream. What's your real name? We like to use real names around here - I'm Nathan. Take some time to look around the place and read some threads, get a feel for how the Forge tends to operate. We're all about creator-owned and independently published RPGs - so as long as the decisions about your game are in your hands, this is the place to be.

As for where to go, you have some options, and it totally depends on your goals for posting here. If you have something that you want to talk about that rises out of your actual gaming, go ahead and post to Actual Play. This would include "this is how play of my play of game X goes, and here's my questions that I'd like people to answer" kind of posts. If you want to talk about actually getting your game into the hands of other people, Publishing should be your first stop. If you're playtesting and have a mechanics question or want some feedback, post to Playtesting. These posts are most useful when you base them in your actual play of the game (as opposed to "I think this won't work, but I don't know, someone else read it and tell me" kind of posts). If you want feedback on your design goals, check out The Power 19 and post in First Thoughts.

This thread may also be useful.

Does that help at all? 
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters


  By and large, the Forge is home to designers who want to pulish (publishing even including free download in ther internet). If that's you, settle on in and post to Actual lay and First Thoughts as you get them.
  Welcome and good luck in your designs.
Dave M
Author of Legends of Lanasia RPG (Still in beta)
My blog
Free Demo


Hey Nathan, Everyone...

Okay, well my real name is Michael, and I'd like to say that I am greatly impressed with The Forge so far.  I'll tell you a bit about what I've got on, but as I am unsure if this is the right place for such a post, I'll keep it brief.

I've been working on a pen-and-paper RPG for about two decades now.  I have had roughly two-hundred playtesters in that time and most of the core mechanical and theatrical systems have been worked out.  Presently, a few new mechanical ideas have found their way into the system but have yet to be tested for their overall impact/balance.  Once that has been done, the current goal is to translate the game from a pen-and-paper to computer-RPG (assuming I can teach myself how to code or find ninja's willing and able to do it with me).

A question, if I may: How can I make the current version of my game available to be viewed online, say by you fine lads and ladies here at the Forge.

Thank you so much,

Nathan P.


Cool beans. If you don't have a website, there's a number of good providers (I hear lots of people like Dreamhost) that are pretty cheap and easy enough. You may also wanna check out this thread and contact Trevis.
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters