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Need a little help with descriptions.

Started by Seth M. Drebitko, June 16, 2006, 07:04:11 PM

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Seth M. Drebitko

Hello ladies and gentlemen I have been working on the finer details of my setting working up the 7 major planes of existence but now that a growing demand for the mmorpg version, as well as table top version has caused me to focus on one particular world Shamayim. What I need for the morpg is tons of separate descriptions of map spaces (its starting out as a text base and then upgrading to graphical), now my problem is that I have my hands full enough typing up and organizing the core rulebook let alone all these descriptions. So for this reason I come to you all asking that you PM me your full name website and as many descriptions as you can gather or create about a paragraph in length each based on the criteria below. In exchange for these submissions I will make sure to credit you when your description appears in the game with your name and web site url.

Shamayim is a desert world ravaged by war a husk of its former glory with but a few remaining city states surviving. The sands of the desert are deep red in color but lighten the closer you get to bodies of water. Aside from the major river and those that gather around large oasis's there is not very much fertile land.

The Types of Descriptions I Need

Normal desert:
This is more for the areas that are near the bodies of water they are standard desert descriptions please try and be as dynamic as possible with them though.

"Deep" desert:
These are very dry (even more than normal desert) areas where the grains of sand are thick and deep red almost like dried globs of blood.

Ruins of high technology civilizations lay scattered about to dangerous to populate due to there "cursed" nature.

there are three large mountain ranges on Shamayim.

There are many strange features scattered across all the different types of terrain due to magical corruption of the land and left behind technology.

Well thats all I got I feel personally that this while not a book is part of my indie publishing model and ties into my books, its a way that I am adapting to the changing business landscape. All I can offer really is like I said credit to the people helping it would be amazing if you could take the minute or so it takes to work up a description or hell if you really want to advertise your site with a bunch of descriptions that would be great.

Regards, Seth
Thank you all so very much for the help I really don't have the time to do this all myself.
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