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Forge @ GenCon SoCal 2006

Started by Clinton R. Nixon, August 18, 2006, 02:39:17 AM

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The reason I don't want to play in the FLFS pirate game is that the description makes it seem more combat oriented than the other games offered.  Plus, I'm sick of pirates.  I hated the new Depp pirate movie, even though that nothing to do with space pirates.  I may crash one of your other FLFS games hoping you have a no show.

Josh Roby


I am responsible for getting my own exhibitor badge(s).  Um.  How?
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


just hang on to your newbie horses.


Josh Roby

Man, as long as I'm not supposed to be doing something, sure. :)
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog

Jake Richmond

I'm sorry to say I have to drop out of SoCal. I was very much looking forward to going but with recent medical problems I just can't afford the travel and hotel costs. I'll be spending my time for the rest of the year promoting Panty Explosion in more local venues and working on my next game.

Hope everyone has fun,

Jake Richmond

Josh Roby

Well poo.

Am I the only newb in the booth, then?
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog

Ron Edwards

Hey guys,

This discussion is starting to turn into chat. I think it's time for it to move to private email or some other method through the central organizer.

Best, Ron


Hey guys,
I'll be at GenCon SoCal.  Its just a short drive up from San Diego (well.... without traffic..hehe).

I'll drop by your booth to say hello.  Come see me too iyw.  I'm in #820 on the right side of the hall (as you walk in).

c ya!

Mark O'Bannon :)
Shadowstar Games, Inc.
619 756-7705
"Go not to the elves for cousel, for they will say both yes and no."
        - J.R.R.Tolkien

Fantasy Imperium
Historical Fantasy Role Playing in Medieval Europe.

Mark O'Bannon :)