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101 part 2: where and who

Started by Ron Edwards, May 12, 2002, 01:06:07 AM

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I knew I had forgotten something about my character.  A Name!

Hmmm...  How about   Ardavan


Ian O'Rourke

Quote from: Mike HolmesWow Ian, you've created a paragon of Orlanthi Heroism. Classic. He's even Honourable with an English "U". How cool is that. He's got the Celtic protagonist thing written all over him. Tell me he's got blue abstract tattoos all over, and goes about barechested.

Yeah, not sure if it was too much or not. As for the whole Slaine thing - I imagine him being a bit less 'out there' than that, armour, clothing, etc. I was going for a lot of emotion, blood and sweat.

Quote from: Mike HolmesOf course the axe is important, the axe is always important. How so in your character's case? If nothing else, it can now be called something cool like "Kinslayer". Do the irremovable bloodstains on the edge haunt him?.

I agree and that's a good idea - I like idea of the axe being both an important item because of its power (represented by the 5w) but also something haunting because of what it was used to do. As Selayna probably knows that axe killed her father/brother. I like the bloodstains idea - I'm always concerned about going over the top - but I kinda like the true iconic stuff.
Ian O'Rourke
The e-zine of SciFi media and Fandom Culture.

Mike Holmes

What's a Slaine?

Anyway, Ron'll let you know if it's too over the top. The other characters seem a little lower key, but perhaps that can be played back and forth for contrast? Who knows, maybe they will play larger than they sound. I mean sorcery can be over the top all by itself.

But I've got a great visual on the Battle of the Plinths. I hope that stays, along with the general conflict. You've dug a nice deep hole to climb out of, which is a good start, IMO.

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Ian O'Rourke

Quote from: Mike HolmesWhat's a Slaine?

A celtic 'inspired' comic in the UK - part of 200AD I believe - or it used to be?.
Ian O'Rourke
The e-zine of SciFi media and Fandom Culture.

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

Good. We got'em, all  three. (Yeah, bloodstains on the axe are a bit much, frankly. Maybe later.)

Now, since this is not the same as the Art-Deco exercise we did in the Sorcerer forum, we're not going to talk about pre-game prep, one-sheets, and relationship maps. Given these three characters, I have to tell you, I'm totally inspired to do it, but frankly, that's not what was requested and would be too much work/creativity to expend for a side exercise.

So we'll assume that opening scenarios and various events have resulted in the characters (a) knowing one another and (b) finding some common ground regarding the immediate problems of the time and place. No, they aren't a "group" in the RPG sense. But they are active participants in the ongoing issues of the day, in that area.

The plan is to demonstrate some of the following concepts, as they might arise and be run in play:

1) Relationships as central features of play

2) Augmenting in general, both within and across character sheets

3) Finding common ground in the rules that permit the characters to bond emotionally

3) The role of the Worship ability as well as the roles of the Affinities (for theistic characters)

4) Followers!!

5) The character improvement system - which is totally crucial to all of the above

6) Perhaps a look at how all this stuff factors into Extended Contests

7) Hero Band and Wyter formation

8) Hero Questing (probably two distinctive examples)

Now's the last chance for comments and thoughts on the characters and context of play. We'll pick up with a new thread soon.


Ian O'Rourke

With respect to all the relationship map stuff - if you want to do the work, I'd learn something from the process. So, if you want to do it and the other two are fine, then go for it.

If the time is not there or the other two want to skip it, then I'm fine as well. I'm just chiming is as I'm sort of the one who semi-defined the project - so I'm just saying it's okay to change it if that's what everyone wants.

It's been interesting so far.
Ian O'Rourke
The e-zine of SciFi media and Fandom Culture.


Like Ian, I have no problems with it either way.  Would be interesting to see how the map comes together, though we might be able to read the previous thread that you mentioned and get something from that.




"He killed a hundred with his left hand, and a hundred with his right hand, and he did not think it too many." - Ukko

Slaine is heavily based on Cu Chulain; in the two pics available in the link above, the one on the right is Slaine undergoing warp-spasm as the spirit of the Earth goddess fills him.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Ron Edwards

Hi folks,

Just a couple more notes before we swing into the next step. With apologies, I just don't have the time or energy to do an Art-Deco with this material. I started to, then realized I was cribbing from (and detracting from) my Riddle of Steel prep.

So let's assume that we've played for a bit. All sorts of NPCs have become known to everyone at the table, including the following:
- Kailorn's wife, Selayna - definitely a cool character; I would expend massive GM effort to engage players emotionally about her - it would depend on making it clear why Kailorn wants to be with her, that she does indeed love him very much, and the validity of her decision about religion
- Kailorn's parents (yes, I know they're dead, but they're important characters)
- Ardavan's mom (also out of the picture, but important), and certainly one of his siblings has shown up early in the story; probably one of Kailorn's rebel acquaintances (maybe even wounded and helpless!)
- the leader of the Lunar military effort in the area, and hence Jenest's and Ardavan's official superior
- the dragonewt whose job it is to speak to the humans
- any number of interesting folks who live in the area and are trying to get by

Let's also assume that there's a cool myth for the dragonewt plinth. You know what? I think we need that myth. Give me a couple of days to work one out.


P.S. Gareth, I always liked Slaine and have lots of the collections ... although my favorites are the adventures from the individual issues of 2000 A.D. and their freaky mixture of pop occult lingo and classic up-yours Celtic adventure.

Reality Aberrant

hmm... and where is the continuation of this...??? i never had any experience with runQuest until recently a friend lend me a copy of the thrid edition put out by Avalon Hill.

I have read that the mechanics for Hero Wars changed very much so as to make it a whole new game. How much did it change? by what i am seeing in this thread it seems that is alot.. so i am waiting for you guys to continue this exercise so i can have a more informed base of the premise for the new mechanics and know what to expect when heroquest comes out...

Christopher Kubasik

Hi R.A.,

Just so you know, the thread got put on hold 'cause Ron ran a game con at DePaul last weekend -- and life got busy getting it ready.

But word is it will continue.

Now, if you're looking for good information now, I'd suggest going over to .  There you will find full chapters of the game available on the web.  The upcoming HeroQuest will be for the most part the same game -- just cleaner and leaner.

And yes.  The rules of RuneQuest and HeroWars have utterly nothing to do with each other.

One more thing: (a strange tangent, but perhaps useful), if you liked the RuneQuest material you saw but the HeroWars rules don't turn your crank, you might want to check out a new game coming out this August at .  Many have likened it to RuneQuest except -- um -- better.

Hope this helps,

"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield

Reality Aberrant

Help it did, but now i have a problem...

I think i am in love... with "The Riddle of Steel"

i hate when that happens...