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Pandemonium 2006

Started by epweissengruber, October 12, 2006, 03:40:25 PM

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IndieRPG Toronto will be running a series of indie games and demos at the upcoming Pandemonium convention in Toronto.

Volunteer to run a game or just show up to play.  Full details regarding volunteering, etc. can be found at the IndieRPG Toronto Message Board:


Febuary 23rd, 24th, 25th 2007
Start: Friday Febuary 23rd 6:00 PM
Finish Sunday Febuary 25th 7:00 PM
Galla Dinner Sunday Febuary 25th 7:30 PM


Delta Toronto East
2035 Kennedy Road (Kennedy and 401)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M1T 3G2

Hey team, here are the dates and times for Pandemonium.

I would like to see the following setup.

For every 4 hour timeslot:
- 2 games
- 1 Indie-RPG member helping with con business (like working the front desk)
- 1 indie-RPGer running demos at a table dedicated to us and our weirdness.  The 10 minute DitV demo is a good one, I can show off the demon-summoning and other cool reatures of Sorcerer, perhaps the combat scripting of Burning Wheel/Empires, the lethal goodness of TROS swordfighting.

Insanely ambitious is my middle name. If we don't come even close to getting that set up, no biggie. I just want a solid list of people running events and helping with the con by the end of October.

Set up so far:
Friday 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Game 1: Heroquest: "Death Match of the 5 Deadly Venoms" w. Erik
Game 2 ?
Demo Table ?
Helping with con ?

Saturday 9:00 to 1:00
Game 1 My Life With Master:"Yesssss Mr. President" w. Erik
Game 2 Capes tourney
Demo Table Erik
Helping with con ?

Saturday 2:00 to 6:00
Game 1 Enemy Gods w. Mark
Game 2 Capes Tourney
Demo Table ?
Helping with con: Erik

Saturday: 7:00 to 11:00
Game 1 _Heroquest: "Free Trader Issaries Calling ... Mayday!"
Game 2 Capes tourney
Demo Table ?
Helping with con _____________

Sunday 10:00 to 2:00
Game 1 Dogs in the Vineyard w. Mark
Game 2 ________________
Demo Table ______________
Helping with con: Erik

Sunday 3:00 to 7:00
Game 1 ________________
Game 2 ________________
Demo Table ______________
Helping with con _____________