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Sorcerer & Sword mini supplements

Started by xaosgod, November 13, 2006, 09:33:13 AM

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I have recently ordered Sorcerer and Sorcerer & Sword, because of my recent disillusionment with main-stream rpgs and their ability to immitate the sword & sorcery fiction that I love, and I was wondering how compatible Charnel Gods and The Dictionary of Mu are.  If anyone could give this newbie a piece of advice, it would be much appreciated.

Ron Edwards

Hello and welcome!

I'd love to help with your question, but it confuses me a little. "Compatibility" is a term people use a lot but it means different things to different individuals.

Both of the mini-supplements are versions of Sorcerer & Sword. So they're both compatible with it, if compatible is even the right word - they were written, or built, by using it.

If you're asking about compatibility with one another, then that's the confusing part for me. Can you explain just what you mean, in terms of players, characters, and using the books? Spell it out step by step, and then I'll be able to help you.

Best, Ron


i quess what im getting at is that the setting material from the dictionary of mu sounds amazing, and it gets great reviews, but i would like to implement the fell weapons into it.  perhaps my trouble is that, while i have read a little bit if your game philosophy, ron, since i do not yet have the game i cannot say for sure what i mean.  however, i do not neccessarily think that "demons" have to be defined as only one thing, which is something that both mini-supplements seem to take for granted.  the actual play thread about the beast master use of lore in one individual's game of charnel gods points this out to me--i think that there should be room for demons in the dictionary of mu setting to be dead things, and also for them to be fell weapons--especially, perhaps if those fell weapons take the form of ancient advvanced ray-guns, and such.  i was wondering how other players thought such a implementation would play out.

as i think more about it, though, i will probably come up with my own setting where i can do some things that i have been thinking about--different ways of interacting with different types of demons, etc. . . i'll have to post more when i actually get the books in my hands and am able to better plan what i want to do.

another question i had, though, was (and the designer might not be the best person to ask about this, but here goes anyway), whether the new rules additions in the other supplements are able to be applied to a game of & Sword.

i also want to aplogize--i don't like the shift key when i am typing quickly, and at this point do not want to go back over the post and edit it for capitalization.

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

Sorcerer is a setting-customizable game, with some pretty good and reliable tools for the customizing. If you wanted to use some of the concepts in Charnel Gods with those in Mu, the game's built to help you do it. So I'm anticipating that you'll have no problem.

I also think that your advanced ray-gun notion for a Mu demon is absolutely textually accurate - you won't have any trouble using the demon concepts in that book to build such a thing, using the core book rules.

All of the mini-supplements tend to be highly focused regarding demon concepts, and I think that might be leading you to an overly-strict perception of the demon rules in Sorcerer. When you get the core book, you'll see that I provide rules for unifying demonic stuff for a given game, but they are not typical lock-it-down, one-way, only-this-way rules. Nor are they typical loosey-goosey, just-wing-it rules. I think you'll find them useful and straightforward, and if you want to say "Fell Weapons! In Mu!" then you'll be able to do so without any hassles.

Best, Ron


cool. i wasn't sure how strict the rules were about such things, just that i saw the mini-supplements in question seemed to assume that only one type of thing could be a demon in each setting. . .thanks for straightening me out.


Heck, the core conciet of Charnal Gods is that you invent a setting in which the Sorcerer's who recover Fell Weapons are harbingers of the coming destruction of the world.

Merging the two is as simple as saying...hey Mu is just one more world on the brink of destruction.  A little more detailed that what is normally presumed for Charnal Gods...which just means as players you'll probably not want to destroy it before you've had a chance to enjoy it.