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[GC2007] Forge/Diaspora Booth and Games on Demand

Started by Andy Kitkowski, July 31, 2007, 08:12:59 PM

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Andy Kitkowski

Just a few thoughts, from one Gung Ho space cadet to the folks selling their games at GenCon.

I plan to bring a bunch of blank business cards. If the players enjoyed the game, they'll be directed to write down the name of it on the card so that, if they want to, they can head down to the booth and peruse a copy if not buy it outright. Hoping to help close the gap between desire and fulfillment.

Also, I plan on running lots of games (or at least preparing to be able to run lots of games) at Games on Demand. We'll see how that pans out. However, I'm hoping not to carry with me every copy of every game that I plan to run, or else I will not be able to pack clothes (especially since I'll be in Milwaukee the week before the Con hanging out with my best friend, and flying straight in). So I'm hoping that folks would be kind enough to indulge if I were to privately come to you on Wed/Thurs and ask for a personal copy to use at GoD, and to be returned by the end of the con (else I'll buy it: Not looking to score free copies, but rather "borrow" them). Perhaps run off a ream of character or needed sheets for us so that we can help run your game.

Finally, after talking with the Millers, it sounds like we're going to have a whiteboard or two where people who want to run games, but also want to walk around the con, can do things like write "ANDY will run a 5-PLAYER game of LEGENDS OF ALYRIA at 4:00-7:00. Write your name here and show up if you're interested!" If you're selling at a booth, I highly recommend maybe the first day signing up to run an "extended demo" (1-2 hour) if not a "full game" of your game, at some specific time or times throughout the con, at the Games on Demand booth.

Just some thoughts.

As a Games on Demand enthusiast and runner, are there any thoughts from the booth folks that they'd care to share with us?

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


Games on Demand will have a rubber stamp and a spot on the Indie Gaming Passport.  Hopefully this can also be used as a conduit to direct folks to the places where they can purchase the games.  I'll definitely be starting Kat off with a big swack of the passports so GOD can be an initial entry-point to the Passport gauntlet as well as the Forge booth.

Jason Morningstar

Andy, you're the best. 

I'll gladly give you whatever you need, and a soul kiss, if you run my games.  I'm running two full-on I.G.E. games, but will definitely be available to run shorter extended demos.


You're already a dude if you're going to run Legends of Alyria at Games on Demand.

I will also give you the necessary tools, etc. for Dirty Secrets, if you're willing to give that a go.  I'll even give you the tutorial on Wednesday evening to help you get up to speed.

I've committed to pushing hard at the Forge booth while I'm there, so I don't think that I'll be able to get to Games on Demand personally, though.
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown