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Narrated combat results - a problem

Started by Christoffer Lernö, June 19, 2002, 08:33:59 PM

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Jesse Paulsen

Quote from: Seth L. Blumberg
Quote from: Le JoueurEither the players have "directorial power" or the gamemaster has 'unrevealed facts,' I don't see how both could work concerning a single 'thingie' in the game.
For once I gotta agree with Fang. If the players are licensed to use Director Stance with regard to a particular game-world object, the GM can't readily reserve control of that object.

Is anyone else reminded of memory protection, unix file permissions, and database locking?

Andrew Martin

Quote from: Vermin
Quote from: Seth L. Blumberg
Quote from: Le JoueurEither the players have "directorial power" or the gamemaster has 'unrevealed facts,' I don't see how both could work concerning a single 'thingie' in the game.
For once I gotta agree with Fang. If the players are licensed to use Director Stance with regard to a particular game-world object, the GM can't readily reserve control of that object.

Is anyone else reminded of memory protection, unix file permissions, and database locking?

I actually thought it related to playground politeness; don't mess with other people's "stuff". :)
Andrew Martin

Christoffer Lernö

Thanks folks. Interesting comments on the problem. At least I feel satisified with your analysis, is there anything more to add or should we leave this thread for now?
formerly Pale Fire
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Quote from: Vermin
Is anyone else reminded of memory protection, unix file permissions, and database locking?

Yes, IMO thats exactly what it is.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Seth L. Blumberg

Quote from: contracycle
Quote from: Vermin
Is anyone else reminded of memory protection, unix file permissions, and database locking?
Yes, IMO thats exactly what it is.
Watch out, then, or you'll deadlock with one of your players when each of you needs control of two NPCs and you don't lock them in the same order. You'll either need to apply a deadlock avoidance strategy (such as global resource ordering) or transactionalize your gameplay and run a deadlock detection/recovery algorithm.

And let's not forget about two-phase commit when you're spending XP.
the gamer formerly known as Metal Fatigue