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[Forge Midwest 2008] Offical Organization Thread

Started by Matt Snyder, January 18, 2008, 03:30:32 AM

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Quote from: JADettman on April 06, 2008, 10:06:58 PMIt's only been a few hours, though, so maybe more organized content will come along.

I realized after I posted that your page had only just been put up. No offense intended. :)
A.k.a., Mark Delsing

Nev the Deranged

It's a good question though, regarding Friday... how early are people going to show up? I know a lot of folks aren't coming in until later, but I will probably get there around noon. Am I going to be sitting around by myself for a while, or what?


I'm going to be there Thursday night (Lord willing and the creek don't rise). I plan to go wandering around record shops on Friday morning/early afternoon.
Gods & Monsters


Quote from: buzz on April 07, 2008, 12:00:03 AM
Quote from: JADettman on April 06, 2008, 10:06:58 PMIt's only been a few hours, though, so maybe more organized content will come along.

I realized after I posted that your page had only just been put up. No offense intended. :)

None taken. :)

As for Friday, I could show up for a few hours in the afternoon but I've got to back home my 6:30 or so to pick my wife up from the bus station.

Saturday, I'll likely be around all day looking to play some board games or rpgs.


Nev the Deranged

I ask because although the con is listed as being from 11-13th, it's not certain if anything will actually be happening before pretty late on the 11th. Which would theoretically mean I could either work that day and show up later, or skip Friday altogether and come down Saturday morning, and save one night of hotel costs. Either one makes my wallet happier- but if people ARE going to show up on the 11th during the day, it's totally worth it to me to be there so as to get in as much gaming and socializing as possible. Cuz, y'know, I like those things and don't get to do enough of either.

So, yeah. Anybody who wants to hang on Friday and play something, even if it's some boardgames or JS or whatever, I'm down.

Do we have a meeting room Friday? or just Sat & Sun?

Adam Riemenschneider

Well, presuming my buddy is ready to leave at noon as planned, he and I should be there around 5:30/6pm on Friday.

We'll probably be in the bar.
Creator and Publisher of Other Court Games.


I'm also anticipating that we'll arrive around six or so.  Matt and I are planning to leave from E. Lansing, MI around 10 am.

Jae Walker


Willow and I will be at the Best Western on Friday around noon.   We might start off the weekend with a boardgame or some Jungle Speed. 

We look forward to playing you soon!


Crystal and I will be hitting down mid-afternoon on Friday.
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Nev the Deranged

Ah, well, Friday it is then. Based on the responses so far, I anticipate being in excellent company. ^_^

I did just purchase an intriguing board game called "Mwahahaha!", a game of (what else?) Mad Science and World Domination! Should be fun.

Tobias Wrigstad

I will arrive on Saturday around noon or so, depending on which bus I can catch from Chicago. I'll arrive at O'Hare around 9 am. If anyone is passing by the area in a car (or going back that way on Sunday) or is interested in sharing a room at the hotel, let me know.



I'll be there Friday evening. I'll be the one with the accent, looking lost, confused and in desperate need of a beer....


Myself and my girlfriend will not be showing up until Saturday. I am going to buy a box of candy (for awarding those who sit down to try out my card game) and have a playtesting sign up sheet and cards for people to look at.

I am not nearly as far along as I had hoped. But I really look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone. I also want to play a few games if possible.

I hope the roads are not too bad tomorrow. They look like they will be a disaster.


It's a little late as an update, but I will be there on Friday and most of Saturday and I'll be sure to bring along copies of Covert Generation if anybody wants to give it a go.


I decided to leave directly from work, so I should be there by 7-8ish on Friday.

What time do things get started on Saturday?
A.k.a., Mark Delsing