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[CollectiveCon 2008] Request for data: table size

Started by rafael, May 05, 2008, 01:34:08 PM

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I'm running my first mini-con this July, and I'm not sure about the table size.

The con's being hosted at a local game store. They have lots of room in the back. Each of the nine tables holds 4 people.

I think that 36 people would probably be a very good turnout for a mini-con like this, especially since I have no idea what the Raleigh/Durham game scene's size is.

However, I am told that 4 people per table (including GM, if there is one) is not enough, and that it would be better to push tables together so that there are three 8-person tables and one 4-person table.

This strikes me as odd -- 7 players for a three- or four-hour game? How will everyone get a shot at the spotlight? However, it's obvious that I'm missing something.

I'm hoping for a few data points here. Is a 4-person table incredibly restrictive, relatively speaking? Does the typical mini-con (if such a thing exists) offer 8-person tables, or is that too unwieldy?

I would really appreciate some guidance from people who have attended numerous cons, and who can give me some concrete justifications for either approach. Thanks!

-- Rafael
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium

Jason Morningstar

Hey Rafael,

Con organizers who have to deal with breaking even or making a profit want as high a player-to-GM ratio as possible for various reasons, so they encourage large games. 

In your case, these pressures are inverted, so I'd go with as intimate an experience as is practical.  Some games work very well with 6-8 players but most really shine with a smaller number.  I'd suggest setting joining a couple of tables for potential large games, but focusing on 3-4 player games as the standard. 

Paul Czege

Hey Rafael,

Quote from: rafael on May 05, 2008, 01:34:08 PMHowever, I am told that 4 people per table (including GM, if there is one) is not enough, and that it would be better to push tables together so that there are three 8-person tables and one 4-person table.

Who told you this? The store owner? I ask because it seems based on traditional player to GM ratio expectations that don't map to indie games.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


Quote from: Jason Morningstar on May 05, 2008, 02:01:27 PMIn your case, these pressures are inverted, so I'd go with as intimate an experience as is practical.  Some games work very well with 6-8 players but most really shine with a smaller number.  I'd suggest setting joining a couple of tables for potential large games, but focusing on 3-4 player games as the standard.

Hi, Jason. Thanks for the input -- that's a really solid idea!

Quote from: Paul Czege on May 05, 2008, 06:11:29 PMWho told you this? The store owner? I ask because it seems based on traditional player to GM ratio expectations that don't map to indie games.

Paul, it was actually someone who's interested in running a game at the con. I'm not sure which game he's interested in running. I'd hate to shut anyone out, but there's only so much room at the inn. Thus, feedback like this from you and Jason is extremely helpful. Thanks!
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium


If all the tables and chairs are at the site, this is something you can worry about on the day of the con. Set the tables up according to need. Do your best to service the games people want to play.



Interesting idea, and one that I toyed with... but then, how does one set up registration?
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium

Paul Czege

GM's specify how many players their games will have, and you block out the required number of tables until there are none left for the timeslot. Then on the day of the event you push and pull to reconfigure when each new timeslot arrives.
My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


My post was dumb. I was thinking out loud about how to do this using However, Paul, your idea is a sound one, and after digging around on the Warhorn site, I figured out how to do what you suggested. Thank you!
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium