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Chrono Master?

Started by Eric J., June 27, 2002, 04:42:09 AM

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Paul Czege


Would you give me the names of the RPGs that are based upon time travel?

Upon reflection, I realized I actually knew of four RPGs "completely devoted to" time travel:

Continuum, which is only a couple of years old, from Aetherco
TimeMaster, out of print game from Pacesetter
Timeship, out of print game from the early 80's, from Yaquinto
Time & Time Again, which I first saw in the early 80's, but may actually still be in print, from Timeline Ltd.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Mike Holmes

Yes, not only is time travel to the future not problematic, but, as I'm fond of pointing out, it's actually possible in RL (if not currently feasible). In point of fact, it happens all the time, all around us in such slight quantities as to be indetectable. But all you have to do is go fast enough. You can prove time dialation with Mesons. So its not just theory, but as factual as anything else.

So such travel in a game is very hard sci-fi.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Well Mike...

if you could PM me a small starter kit of places to go and things to see in the near future (and I'm not talking time travel, I'm talking about checking out websites, books, etc. at places not defined as my workplace), I feel like I'm inspired in a sense.  At least in the sense of doing something for my group in that vein.

Taking the & out of AD&D">Knights of the Road, Knights of the Rail has hit the rails!


Just did a quickie web search on time travel and found the following site

Its pretty amusing stuff as websites from the future go.

Taking the & out of AD&D">Knights of the Road, Knights of the Rail has hit the rails!

Eric J.

1. Move the porno topic to another thread, please.

2. Thank you for showing me the time travel RPGs.

3. I am trulley inspired now.

4. Basic concept: My game would be based upon your own campaign world.  It needs to be.  The thought is that, there exist a few individuals throughout history with the gift of ChronoLancing.  This means that they can use gates that take them through time.  There are five dimentions.  You shoud be familiar with the first four, and the fith is Karm.  It allows for several Chrono-sovereigns to exist parrellel to eachother.  There are infinite.  Many are therefore capable of supporting life.  A select few from different time periods are chosen by a "Chrono-master" to help time.  There are several conditions for the time sovereign to exist in:

  1. Chrono-Circuit: This is the default state of a Chronosovereign.  It wis a linear paradox, curved and infinitelley looping.  This allows for infinite time and space.  This allows for Einsteinian princibles to be used.  You simply travel throughout the entire timecircuit and to whatever place you land.

  2. Chronohole-This is a state that exists spacially and temporally.  Timespace is normally curved orbitting a signgle temporal anchor.  This is where time has stopped.  The approach of this state is a temporal spire.  This state is an infinite paradox moving at an infinite rate and cannot be changed.

  3.Temporal spire-  A temporal spire is a state of decay whee time is slowing down.  This shows no effect for thes that exist in the spire, because it's all relative, but had degerative effects.  This is usually caused by a paradox of some sort, and can be countered.  This leads to a chrono-hole.

  4.  Chono-ray: Chronorays result when teh ability to travel back in time is impossible.  This may result when a temporal anchor is destroyed.  This state is a constant state of existance with nothing in the past ever existing.

  5. Chrono-anchor-  This is simply a fourth dimentional black hole with extreme gravity.  This forms the basis of most Chrono-sovereigns.  If this increases it may form a temporal spire or even a Chrono-hole.

  6. Chronoline: This is a chronosovereign with no possible time travel other than a constant rate forward.  This is different from a ray in the fact that the past actually exists.

 7. Alternate dimentions:  Other dimentions exist as an effect of ChronoAnchors which actually bend the fith dimention, called karm.  Karm is the way Chronosovereigns remain parrellel.  In most cases, sentience limits comprehension of such concepts.

  8.  Chronogateway: Ways exist in seemingly random points throughout histories and lead to a single place in another point in a chronosoveriegn.  It's not reversible.  When you leave you're gone.  The placement of these is always interestingly linked to chronolancers and their quests.

  9. Chronolancers-  Chosen throughout history, what has been generally applies to chronolancers and karmolancers.  These unique individuals serve to highlight historical points and are blessed with greator powers.  They alone can open the ways to other times and they alone can destroy or save an entire reality.

  10.  Chronomaster(s)? -  Tje greatest debate pertaining to temporal phenomenon is the chronomaster.  believed to be sentient, a phenomena that is responsible for the chosen and the ways.  Many argue that it is fate itself, but most cultures seem to agree that what happens throughout existant needs to be a sentient force.  When dealing with time this becomes more pronounced, or so the theory goes...

 11. I did all of this during math class today.

5.  This is not setting specific.  The default setting is YOUR setting.  It should allow for a whole new level of epic quests that never end and never begin...

6.  The science fiction should undermine a greator point, that is characters, and you.  The players and CM (Chronomaster[GM]) should actually spend at least a week prior to play making up their own setting, and it's time points.  This will be intimitelley linked to character creation and other stuff.  

7.  The paradoxes should obviously be a main conflict.  But how they are used should be open to the group.  I think that my rules conflict Einsteinian physics in no way, but have been idealistically furthered for gaming reasons.  And why should I be depicted as the first?  It should be able to do time, undisprovably right and the players should have fun doing it.  Conflicts are endless, possible other chronolancers, evil dragons, or maby a contest of technology.

8.  The guidelines will include the rules guarding character development and chronolancer specifics, including a mechanic that gives chronolancers power.  They each have chronospheres, or tokens that are gained by passing through time.  Each player should actually have a pile of tokens on the table that they use, and spend to improve their rolls and use their abilities.  I think that each session would encompass a single encounter with a time frame.

9.  I exagerate when I call it a ripoff.  It was what inspired me and keeps inspireing me.  It is my favorite computer game of all time, but differs in concept dramatically.  However, I aspire for the same feel that the excellent game has.

10.  Do you think that it has a chance?

11. Thanks.


That's alot of Chrono-'s!

So you mentioned that time stops at temporal anchors with time/space looping infinitely around it? Am i correct here? Because if time/space are interconnected and fundamentally the same, wouldn't you have an infinitely dense point in the middle which would warp all relations to time/space similarly to reaching absolute zero? are there chain reactions to this?

personally i think sci-fi works best if you go to the extremes; either go hardcore and include as much hard data as possible with big words or go extremely light and mysterious. Suspension of disbelief is key.


Eric J.

You are entirelley correct.  It'l be easier for people to understand when I actually know how I'll approach it myself.  Think of a temporal anchor as a 5th dimentional black hole.  In the center time-space is stopped.  The creation of it is caused by a chain reaction, known as a temporal spire.  I guess I used chrono a bit too much... That can be ammended.  I hope that I've clearly displayed the concept though.  The thing is... I don't really want this to be science fiction at all...  I want the fantasy elements prime, with science fiction filling in where appropriate.  To me it doesn't really contradict physics as we know it, but it does present a way of looking at it not though of before.  I've looked at some of the other time RPGs, and they deal with a Terran setting, which allow mine to be unuque.  I want this to be light scince fiction above hardcore, as it appeals to a wider audience.  I actually have experimented with hardcore timetravel in a ZZT game known as "time theory".  It was a post apoptalictic where you need to amend the past.  The limits of ZZT stopped me, but I learned much.

Feel free to ask more questions.  The more questions I answere to you, the more questions I answere for myself.