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[Shock 1.1] Antag failures; antag credits

Started by Neil the Wimp, January 21, 2008, 08:11:44 PM

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Neil the Wimp

A couple of questions about Shock 1.1.

On p. 37, "Fallout for Failure".  The section starts:

"When you lose a Conflict, you gain something in return.

"If your Protagonist is the character who just lost..."

I was expecting another paragraph that started "If your Antagonist is the character who just lost..."  Are there any consequences for the Antag if hir fails in a conflict?

Also, Antags start with 13 Credits and use them to buy dice.  Do they every get any more Credits during the game?  Or is it intended that stories should only last for 2-3 conflicts per Protag?

Milton Keynes RPG Club: .  Tuesday evenings.  Come join us!
Concrete Cow 10½ mini-con, 11 September 2010, Milton Keynes, UK.


In my experience (one game - it was amazing,. however :) ) having a benefit or somesuch for the Antagonist would imbalance things as intended, and in a fashion take focus from the Protag. Pretty sure it's intended as written.

Shock: is basically intended for serial one-shot play. Protags get 3-4 scenes/conflicts each, for the most part.

Joshua A.C. Newman

the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Neil the Wimp

Milton Keynes RPG Club: .  Tuesday evenings.  Come join us!
Concrete Cow 10½ mini-con, 11 September 2010, Milton Keynes, UK.


I actually have a question related to this. In the play example they initiated the final scene when the Antag ran out of credits, but in the book the only method it provides for granting the Antag dice is by spending credits. Is there something the Antag can do, or at that point is it just up to the Protag to succeed or fail on his own?