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[Misspent Youth] multiple authorities?

Started by Marshall Burns, July 23, 2008, 12:57:21 AM

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Marshall Burns

Hey Rob, what's your thought on playing Misspent Youth with more than one Authority?  With conflicting goals and means?  With different people playing each one?

Because I had this wicked dystopia-sci-fi dream that would be a great jumping-off point for such a game.  It involved a close-knit group of kids against an inhuman and mysterious queen, a mad and narcissistic prime minister, and a violent and sadistic constable, who were all in conflict with each other to some degree in addition to being in conflict with the kids.  The constable's name was Police Constable Spiker, and he was part centipede.


Robert Bohl

Huh. That's pretty interesting. It never occurred to me to try anything like that before. Mechanically there shouldn't be any ill effect. My main concern would be a fracturing of vision and a reduction in tonal unity. But whatever. Give it a go and let me know how it goes.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG

Marshall Burns

Cool, that's what I thought too.  Now I'll just have to figure out how to scrape up that many people to play.

Robert Bohl

I'd love to hear about it if it goes off.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG