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ePublishing Opportunity: Get Hosted

Started by Nathan, July 24, 2002, 03:49:46 PM

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Hey folks,

I haven't posted much lately -- on account of my busy game designing, my busy life, my hot girlfriend, and Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition. *cough*

Anyway, I am launching a website called -- and I hope it transforms into a great community of game designers & gamers. I'll host articles and have a bit of discussion forum there. I hope some of you will drop by and check it out -- but also, I am hosting game design projects and company sites.

If you have a fairly frequently updated webpage for your game or company but it is hosted in a place where the sun don't shine, I'd like to at least pitch actionroll to ya. The hosting is free, I can do domain names, and I can even provide some funky widgets and gadgets to make your pages rock. My only requirement is that your site is updated from time to time, and that somehow, you get me an article or two every so often to post on the main site.

Easy, right? No ads. No banners. Just pure creative freedom.

Email me for more information:

Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:

Clinton R. Nixon


I have a hard time understand how this doesn't compete with Mystic Ages, which you also run. (Of course, MA competed with Gaming Outpost, where you used to work.)

It looks cool - I like what you're doing there a lot, but what are your plans for MA?
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Hey Clinton,

Actually, Mystic Ages is going to change focus a bit. (I've quit Gaming Outpost by the way. They are planning another site redesign.) I have come to a point where I am going to be releasing at least three or four PDF products in the near future. I want to use Mystic Ages to almost exclusively support that goal -- supporting and selling those games.

But darn it, I love to support, review, and promo other people's games. I love to write articles about general gaming too! So, lets me do that without the message being a bit muddled. Actionroll has a simple clear focus -- hosting sites, articles, and some of the forum community fun.

Plus, my Mystic Ages account is through another webhoster, and I didn't really have the option to host a bunch of sites with relative ease.

I will probably be shutting down the Mystic Ages forums (on with the change. I am enjoying the responsiveness of actionroll's setup right now. We will see. Too many forums is too many forums, and I feel guilty as is.

Answer your questions?

I am real excited about this new webhost. Cheap & Easy Account Setup stuff... I can get a new account setup in minutes. Cool stuff!

Nathan Hill
Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:

Ron Edwards

Sounds good, Nathan!

Yeah, this was one of those empty posts. I just like what I see.


Paul Czege

Hey Nathan,

My only requirement is that your site is updated from time to time, and that somehow, you get me an article or two every so often to post on the main site.

What's your definition of "updated"? Does the addition of new, but essentially static pages within the site count? Or are you talking about varying the front page and the content, rather than just growing it?

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


My definition of updated is.. well, something new every so often. I do not want to end up hosting George Gamer's 2nd Edition AD&D Site with his own campaign setting, The Inky Black Well of Tiamat. If you can update your site with a new page or something every couple of weeks or so, you are doing fine by my book. I think even if the updates come every month or so, that is fine too.

In fact, if you need it, I can help you set up some tools that makes updating your site with news blurbs and stuff a whole lot easier.

I just don't want to waste bandwidth on THE TEMPLE OF ULTIMATE CHAOTIC DOOM campaign website which isn't updated because the DM never actually started the game... but he will... someday...


Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking: