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Music for Shock

Started by Gabriel Lopes Anaya, August 20, 2008, 12:50:54 AM

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Gabriel Lopes Anaya

Music for Shock! Some stuff that I like to listen to while I´m  playing!

Ghosts – Nine Inch Nails (wonderful for lonely industrial landscapes)
Free download at

Mind is a terrible thing to taste - Ministry (my favorite album for violent issues and cyberpunk related shocks)

Chaos AD - Sepultura (One of the best brazilian heavy metal bands. Suitable for urban chaos and riots)

Pissing Nanorobots – Posthuman Tantra (music for horror in xenocyberweird worlds IMHO) – Created and played by Edgar Franco. This atmospheric cyber-eerie sound is based in his fictional world "Aurora pós-humana" (Post-human dawn). Professor Franco likes to define his work as "Shamanic Sci-Fi Ambient Sound".
It is alien and matchless for sure!
More information and free downloads at

Put things you tried or would like to try. Share your thoughts and good tips about music!

"Escreve-se para não ser solitário e por amor aos outros; se você não tiver essa solidariedade, é bobagem escrever"
- Ignácio de Loyola Brandão

Joshua A.C. Newman

You'll find some of this in the Mediography in the back of Shock:

Most particularly, you'll find Kraftwerk, who more or less invented Techno, to be a heavy influence on the game.

The soundtrack to the various infilmations of Ghost in the Shell have a really good Globalist feel, switching languages and musical styles while keeping them synthesized.

I find myself listening to a lot of Middle Eastern pop, particularly Algerian. It has French and American influences on top of Arabian and African influences. It really feels like the future.

For deep space, cosmic stuff, you can't really beat Tangerine Dream while Conrad Schnitzler was part of the band. Zeit and Atem are 72-minute, single tracks of whooshing sounds.

Posthuman Tantra is pretty neat stuff! It reminds me of a generative music experiment that I was a... subject? ... in, in the early 90s.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Gabriel Lopes Anaya

Kraftwerk is amazing to listen while playing! My mother used to listen them in the 80´s, especially Autobahn and Radioactivity (my favorite) I was a kid and clearly remember: "Listen to this my son, this is the music of the future, they use computers to make it", good memories!
That´s true about Tangerine Dream! I´m listening to them for the first time right now - the Phaedra album. It´s a great soundtrack for Shock: too!
Thank you for sharing!
"Escreve-se para não ser solitário e por amor aos outros; se você não tiver essa solidariedade, é bobagem escrever"
- Ignácio de Loyola Brandão

Joshua A.C. Newman

You may also want to check out Delia Derbyshire. She was doing in 1958 what Kraftwerk was figuring out in 1978. She's simply amazing. I find that I enjoy a good portion of her music, though it's uneven as you'd expect such an experiment to be.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Gabriel Lopes Anaya

Delia Derbyshire: electronic music pioneer!

Lost tapes of the Dr Who composer

Great stuff!

"Escreve-se para não ser solitário e por amor aos outros; se você não tiver essa solidariedade, é bobagem escrever"
- Ignácio de Loyola Brandão

Joshua A.C. Newman

It is!

That said, Kraftwerk's music is actually science fiction. It's not just an experiment with science fiction overtones, or theme music from science fiction.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.