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[Go Play Peoria] 2009 schedule

Started by GreatWolf, February 16, 2009, 04:53:24 PM

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For those of you who don't know, I coordinate a minicon in the Peoria, IL area that we call Go Play Peoria. We're essentially set up as an extended game day, with lots of pickup gaming, while also providing a venue for more organized play, for those who care for that kind of thing.

This includes indie roleplaying. I'd love for this con to be a bit of a meetup for folks in the area who are interested. We've had visitors from Chicago come down, and once the inestimable Matt Snyder graced us with his presence.

This year, we're being extra-organized (heh) and have already figured out the dates for the year, which are as follows:

March 7, 2009
June 6, 2009
August 29, 2009
October 24, 2009

I'd love to see more indie folk turn out to play. My host duties can preclude my putting together an RPG until the end of the day, so more people showing up ready to run games, the better. In the past, we've run In a Wicked Age, 3:16, and Mist-Robed Gate, but I'd love to see more of our games hit the table.

If you'd like more information, ask here, or check out our website at

Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Nev the Deranged

Knowing these dates ahead of time (specifically, before I've made other plans for said dates) will greatly increase the chances of me attending and possumably running something. Good call.

Keith Sears

Quote from: Nev the Deranged on February 23, 2009, 10:45:32 PM
Knowing these dates ahead of time (specifically, before I've made other plans for said dates) will greatly increase the chances of me attending and possumably running something. Good call.

See? I told you it would work, Seth! ;)
Keith W. Sears
Heraldic Game Design
Publisher of "The Outsider Chronicles" and soon, "Silver Screen: The Story Game of Hollywood Cinema"
Proud Webmaster for the Game Publishers Association

Nev the Deranged

Ok. I definitely need to make new arrangements if I'm going to continue attending these. I have learned that if one is not present at 9am, one gets stuck babysitting until at least noon, if not all day. I don't mind playing a game or two with the kids, but when multiple other attendees come up and ask me "so, have you got to play with any adults yet?" it's clearly time to rethink things. I simply can't leave early enough from Chicagoland to arrive by 9, so unless someone's going to offer me a couch or floorspace to crash on the night before, I'm going to have to give future Go Play Peoria events a pass. Six hours of driving and a full tank of gas in one day is too high a price to pay for maybe 4 hours of serious gaming.

That said, it was a good time, and I'd like to keep attending. I'm just going to have to depend on someone's kindness to make it feasible.

Thanks again to Seth for setting things up, and to everyone I did get to game with, including the kids, who were great, and who gave me some good stories to tell.

"Abraham Lincoln favored scissors."  Priceless.


Hey Dave,

If its any consolation several people also commented on how good you were at playing with the kids, so...skillz

That said, I felt terrible when you headed out and it was pretty obvious that your degree of actual play with grown-ups was pretty low.

Also keep in can say no.  The kids relish the opportunity to play with adults, but they also understand "no thank you".  So feel free to say no, or "I'll happy to play until my game starts and then I'll have to stop"

So far, attendence numbers have not gotten to the point where scheduled games have been necessary, but we might want to consider a Nerd NYC on -site sign up system rather than rely strictly on the "whaddayou wanna play...I dunno, whaddayou wanna play" system.

But yes, there is crash space available