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[Mortal Coil] Revised?

Started by Spooky Fanboy, April 23, 2009, 09:34:31 PM

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Spooky Fanboy

Has MC Revised come to fruition yet? Or is it still on the back burner?
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!

Brennan Taylor

Ice Cream Emperor

This seemed as good a place as any to ask: is there no way to order only the PDF version of the revised edition? I already own the first edition and I am eager to see the new resolution mechanics (or the new explanation), since that has been the primary obstacle to playing the game in the past. However, I'm not really sure I want to pay $25+shipping just to see if the fixes are in the direction I was hoping for. (And at least so far I haven't been able to track down any detailed reviews/summaries of the changes.)
~ Daniel

Ice Cream Emperor

Oh, that's bizarre, I wonder how I managed to overlook it. (I'm guessing I did some sort of browse/search approach that only showed the book and the bundle?)

Thanks muchly.
~ Daniel