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Recapping years' worth of growth

Started by HeTeleports, November 19, 2009, 12:51:31 AM

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I had written a long and eloquent plea to the previous Forge generation of posters, asking for a kind of recap. I decided the long thing was unnecessary.

Recently, I've come across this blogger who's recently made a reversal of views and this list here, describing some of the innovations that I'd taken for granted as a regular Forge reader.

Is there (or will there be) another collection of "must-read" topics, similar to the Infamous Five collection stickied here?
The five had a specific goal. This next collection I'm asking for is an answer to "What are the recently established ideas in Forge's game design that you (the older generations) see people trying to discuss again?"

He's supposed to be finishing the art and text for his new game "Secret Identities." If you see him posting with this message, tell him to "stop playing on the Internet and get to work."

"Oh... be careful. He teleports."


My suggestion was a wiki where topics can be listed and defined, and multiple points of view on the topic presented, including links to original forum threats or blogs or what have you.

Nathan P.

Hi there,

So here's a community resource for games, play techniques and design elements that's technically unaffiliated with the Forge, but a whole lot of users are current or past Forge participants - Story Games Codex Wiki. Also John Kirk's Design Patterns of Successful Roleplaying Games is an exhaustive PDF of, well, design patterns. Those may be helpful.

Honestly, I think most of the exciting ideas in design are in the games and the specific communities of play that surround them, rather than on any internet forum. (This is said with love in my heart for internet forums).
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Chris Flood

Quote from: HeTeleports on November 19, 2009, 12:51:31 AMRecently, I've come across this blogger who's recently made a reversal of views and this list here, describing some of the innovations that I'd taken for granted as a regular Forge reader.

Hi, Youssef. I'm actually the blogger who wrote that article. I also recently stumbled upon the Mighty Atom post, and I made some effort to incorporate the innovations he brought up into the wiki at Story Games (see "Useful Techniques"). I'm just now getting back into RPGs, so I cannot comment on more recent innovations, but I'm interested in learning more about them.