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[Forge Midwest] New thread!

Started by Ron Edwards, February 17, 2010, 07:55:27 PM

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Ron Edwards

Good news.

1. The room block-off is now in effect, so if you haven't, please reserve now.

2. The conference room is all set! (Thanks Willow)

It looks like everything is greenlit and ready. Further questions, hassles, event suggestions, organizational suggestions, and most especially volunteerism - let's do it!

Best, Ron

Nev the Deranged

I will probably be making reservations over the next couple days, as soon as I hear from my local peeps. Chances are good I will have extra room in the room no matter what, so any non-snorers who are interested in splitting the cost of a room, get in touch with me and we'll talk.

Also, re: Foamageddon plans; I recognize that there is a division between people interested in NERF battles, and people interested in not being in the same room as NERF battles. This is perfectly understandable. So, my thinking is to restrict said activity to a specific time and place, namely an hour or so in the secondary room. I'm open to suggestions for time, and am willing to throw a little cash down if reservation is necessary.

Larry L.

Say, what's the hotel contact info?


The Google maps page for the Best Western hotel is here:
It has the contact info.

Nev the Deranged

Well, I finally tried to make a reservation tonight and apparently the room block expired because nobody asked for them, and they only have Queen rooms left. I couldn't get a straight answer about whether this was more expensive or what, as the person seemed to be even more confused than I was. I wanted to double check before putting money down, so please confirm that the dates are March 19, 20, and 21 (necessitating overnight stays the 19th and 20th only, obviously), and I'll just get a room and bring my airbed; or tell me the secret password I need to give them so they know what the hell I'm talking about.

Where has customer service gone, I ask you?


I had massive problems trying to find out about the block. I ended up just getting the hot-tub room, as per usual. If you have AAA you can get a slightly cheaper rate, so there's that.

Tim C Koppang

Whatever problems people seem to have been having, I think they are fixed.  I just reserved my room two minutes ago.  The hotel found the room block no problem.  I did give them both Willow's name and said "Forge Midwest".  The room rate was 79 per night.

Nev the Deranged

Good news. I'll try it now. Perhaps the person working the desk at 1 am was just less familiar with the system, or something. *shrug*

Nev the Deranged

Excellent. You were right, Tim, smooth like butter, smooth like jam. I ended up paying the extra $10 a night for twin beds outside the block anyway, but they couldn't find those last night either, so thanks for the confirmation.

I'm excited! See you guys there!


Have fun this year, guys! Sadly, I can't make it as we needed to schedule my oldest daughter's birthday for that weekend. One of these years, schedules and MN weather willing, I'll be able to again.
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Quote from: Nev the Deranged on February 28, 2010, 05:26:49 PMsmooth like jam.

Smooth like jam?  You really are eating some inferior quality jam, friend.  You should love yourself more than that.
My real name is Timo.

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: Motipha on March 01, 2010, 09:51:20 PM
Quote from: Nev the Deranged on February 28, 2010, 05:26:49 PMsmooth like jam.

Smooth like jam?  You really are eating some inferior quality jam, friend.  You should love yourself more than that.

"Smooth like butter, smooth like jam" is a hideously obscure inside reference that I don't even think I remember the origin of, and furthermore is well outside the purview of this forum, much less this thread. I do appreciate your concern.


Tired of inferior jam's getting stuck in your craw? Get Nev's New Extra-smooth Eating Jam.

Larry L.

I had no problems with the hotel. I called them directly, not on the 800 number.

So, is there anything anyone is really hurting to play, so I can prep appropriately?

It has occurred to me that some sort of very light LARP thing (like circle of assassins) might make for a fun ongoing icebreaker.

Ron Edwards

Here are my plans for play. I'm prepping with a lot more care and purpose than I did last year.

Legendary LIves
The Exchange (Levi's Kornelsen's game in playtest) using the 1980s game Justifiers as the setting
Venus 2141

I'll have the usual bag of my stuff if anyone wants me to play one of my games, but that'll be request-only.

Best, Ron