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...When you see the RING

Started by Bailywolf, October 19, 2002, 03:25:19 PM

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This movies scared the living shit out of me.  I saw it last night, and I still feel nervous and itchy.  The scariest movie I have ever seen... and as valuable source material for a Sorcerer game which favors horror as anything in the recomendations.

Damn, but everyone who plays Sorcerer needs to see this thing.



Was that the US version, or the original Japanese?  



US.  I haven't seen the Japanese.. but I imagine it is likely even scarier.


Just curious.  The Ring has a big history going from manga to film to videogames , and finally over here.  Sounds good, been looking for a decent movie to see.


Fabrice G.


I saw the original version. Very very good movie !

It's not graphical horror, and everything is suggested rather than overexposed.

It's right on the scary, moody stuff, and could quite easely be adapted to the sorcerer format.


You can look at the tape as an object demon and see the viewing of the tape as binding. After that, why is that killing you after seven days...?

And the way to get rid of it !!!! To damn and bind another !!! That's right in the line of Sorcerer's stories !




I've seen the original, and fully intend on seeing this new version to see how it measures up.  It's fantastic film, with a wonderfully creepy ending.

As far as Sorcerer goes, I ran a game about a year-and-a-half ago with a lot of these same motifs (although at the time I hadn't seen Ring).  I liked it a lot, and may some day develop the ideas further.   I'm fascinated by that stuff, especially the voyeur culture we've seemingly developed (or maybe we've always been that way?).  Heck, you can see some of that coming through in NightWatch, with its reality TV set up.

Any wonder Videodrome is one of my all-time favorite films?

- Scott

Andy Kitkowski

I just saw the remake yesterday.  GREAT movie.  I saw the original a few years back, and loved it, too, but the remake was so much more interesting, involving, and scary.

There was one part at the end of the movie- I knew it was going to happen, and yet it STILL freaked me out in a serious way.

Anyway, while it won't come off as a 1 on 1 help for your Sorcerer game (adventure ideas and the like), it's very great at helping you imagine how atmosphere plays a role in the game. Hopefully you'll be able to make your games freakier.

I also highly recommend the game series "Silent Hill (particularly the first) if you want to get a good idea with how to set up an atmosphere that will scare the living hell out of yuor players.
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QuoteI also highly recommend the game series "Silent Hill (particularly the first) if you want to get a good idea with how to set up an atmosphere that will scare the living hell out of yuor players.

Definitely a great game that should be studied by horror filmmakers and writers everywhere.  For a more cyberpunk sort of terror, try out Galarians, another PS game full of head damage.  And if you happen to find a copy of the old PC/Mac game, Obsidian by Sega, it's full of surreal imagery and a good idea of what happens when you play with the "Hint" power too long.

Another good Japanese demon movie is Eco Eco, which has a great possessor demon and one of those climatic endings that leaves your mouth hanging, "Did I just see that?"



Sundance is showing two Japanese Horror films on Halloween, starting at 9 pm est

The first is Uzumaki, which I hear is pretty twisted. Ghost Actress follows, but I have no clue as to whether it is good or not

Just an FYI
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Oh cool.  I've read the first two Uzumaki graphic novels (soo soo creepy)... have to catch the film...  thanks for the heads up.



Quote from: BailywolfOh cool.  I've read the first two Uzumaki graphic novels (soo soo creepy)... have to catch the film...  thanks for the heads up.



No problem. I've been wanting to see this movie awhile too. I came across it by accident, as I was looking for a link to IFC to check out what movies they have going for Halloween. Incidentally, IFC is showing Kwaidan, a trilogy of Japanese ghost stories, that was made in 1964. Might be worth checking out tomorrow night too.

Oh yeah, and I saw Versus. Cool movie. You gotta love gun toting zombies with little to no intelligence :)
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Christopher Kubasik

Off topic for RPGs, and if this needs to go to PM, please contact me there:

Saw the remake.  As always, Hollywood gleaming craft is in full force.  And it was *really* creepy.

But I've got two questions about the story the original might have covered.


We're told the couple "went away" and came back with a daughter.  Did the original cover any kind of murky methods for the procurement for the daughter.  I got the feeling there was a substory there (why is the kid the way she is) but it never got answered.

Also, the ending....  SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT!!!

Where did the logic of the movie say anything about *showing* the dub to anyone? It seemed you just had to make a dub.

That kind of dulled the ending for me: just having the dubs around would be bad, but it seemed forced to make the characters so active when the rules didn't dictate that.

And finally,

The movie starts with a character talking about the urban legend of this tape.  But there's only one tape, at the site of it's creation.  There's been no ring of passing the tape around.  It seems as if it just sat there, got watched that one night, and then the lead character went back and found it?  Did the original have more of a sense of this damned thing moving through society, or was it the same set up?


"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield



In Ringo there was no relatino between the first victim (the kid's cousin) and the reporter- she was just a school girl who was touched by the tape.  There is a greater sense about the tape's legend, and more rumors and such... the tape at the lodge was just the one the investigators were able to locate (or perhaps, the place where the tape manifested initially... who knows).

It is also implied (either in the first movie or in one of 3 or 3 Japanese sequels and prequels) that the girl's psycho mind powers were the result of some kind of black-bag medical experiments to produce powerful psychics... the Japanese love psychic powers.  However, I think the way it was left vague in the remake was more effective.  

About the tape dub thing... I think the way it works is that you make a tape, then if someone else watches the copy before you die then they pick up the bad mojo...  I don't know if they then have to make a copy and pass it on.  I do think the someone else has to watch it to take the whammy off you.  In the japanese version, this is more clear.  When Noah's japanese couterpart watches the copy, the phone doesn't ring (I believe).


The above is assembled from a semi-viewing I've had of fragments of the movie downloaded & numerous reviews and comparisons I've read online.  Do some googling and you can find out all you could hope know.

edited when I realized the inviso-text...wasn't.  Added more spoiler space.


Christopher Kubasik

"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield


Great site covering all adaptations of The Ring....
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