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Gamist Universalis?

Started by Sindyr, April 10, 2003, 09:34:59 PM

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Heh, will do.  Will run it (or help run it) on the 22nd if all goes as planned...

Won't be too worried about advancing my "ninja" strategies right off, need to understand the game more thoroughly first. :)

Mike Holmes

I'm betting you make Ninja by your second outing at the latest. Universalis does have a learning curve, but given that the learning happens as play occurs, you can be pretty good by the end of the first session. Given your comments above, you'll take less time than most.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Bob McNamee

Don't forget, sometimes a 1 Coin 'really cool thing/event' can be added that is just so unexpected and so interesting a twist that it has value way beyond its price.
Something like the idea "The Pope is Pregnant". That 1 Coin idea had more impact on the story than a bunch of Traits for a character.
An idea like that fires up everyone, and they run With it. Regardless of who introduced it.
Moments like those, the unexpected, are what I love about Uni... we even had a bit about that in the first session of the on-line game, where the nubile female sacrifice on the Temple became a willing sacrifice/vessel for the Great One. A neat twist on the expected "rescue the virgin sacrifice to start the game" that we were starting to play.
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!