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So...what is the deal with Starchildren?

Started by arxhon, April 18, 2003, 08:13:32 PM

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Welcome to the Forge!

I stumbled onto your Actual Play post and was interested by the "role play a band" concept that was presented in the post.

Being a musician myself, i am now curious about the game and would like to know more, so here are some questions.

Is playing in a band the general premise of the game?

Also, is there a link i could hit to get a great description of the game itself? What about mechanics? How are these generally resolved?

That's about it for now, i guess.

Mike Holmes

Check out the listing for the Forum. It has a couple of links to their site.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Rich Ranallo

As for a link, it's

The long and short of Starchildren is that a distant race of aliens picked up radio and TV signals broadcast from Earth in the 1970s, and thus learned about Rock music.  Their minds were so blown by this phenomenon that they elevated humanity to a mythical level, imitating our culture, our language and even our physical appearance (the aliens have a limited ability to shapeshift).  Eventually, a group of these aliens headed off in a pilgrimage to Earth, wanting to get at the lovely Rock & Roll paradise they were sure awaited them.

The jorney took so long, however, that the generation of aliens who boarded the ship had already died, and thier decendants, the Starchildren arrived on Earth in 2071.  But they didn't find what they were expecting.  In the hundred years since Rock & Roll embarked across the light years, the world had become a dark and terrible place.  Rampant paranoia about the dark psychological effects of certain art and music drove most of the planet to outlaw "unacceptable expression," and created the worldwide Ministry of Music to enforce this prohibition.

So, the Starchildren, now stranded on this strange and hostile planet, have chosen to stay and join in with the few remaining Earthling rockers in an attempt to overthrow the regime that forbids their music from being played.[/url]
"Rock and Roll will be the new planetary culture, believe it or not."
-Prof. Michio Kaku


Quote from: arxhon
What about mechanics? How are these generally resolved?

Starchildren is pretty much straight ahead sim, with an interesting card mechanic to provide fortune.  Players have a hand of cards from which they play appropriate suits to "activate" an attribute or skill.  The value of the activated attribute or skill must then beat the face value of a card played by the GM.

The current game provides a basic system for handling performances, in which band members make skill checks to see how much "awe" the current performance is generating, and "awe" converts to lasting "fame" at the end of the set if the band does well enough.  Rich has promised that a more detailed system for peformances is forthcoming in a supplement, for them that need such things :)

Rich Ranallo

Quote from: rafialRich has promised that a more detailed system for peformances is forthcoming in a supplement, for them that need such things :)
It's not a more detailed system for perfomances, per se.  Rather, it's a system for writing songs that are actually different from one another.  Incidentally, I just posted the rules in Indie Design, if you want to take a look and/or make suggestions.
"Rock and Roll will be the new planetary culture, believe it or not."
-Prof. Michio Kaku

Mike Holmes

What else is going to be in this supplement? Due date?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Hey.  Any more word on this First Starchildren Supplement?
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming

Rich Ranallo

Quote from: LxndrHey.  Any more word on this First Starchildren Supplement?
Yes. The book is nearly complete, but it's suffered from--err, problems. But soon, my child.  Soon.
"Rock and Roll will be the new planetary culture, believe it or not."
-Prof. Michio Kaku
