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Started by Clinton R. Nixon, April 30, 2003, 08:41:44 PM

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Clinton R. Nixon

If you look real close, you'll note that you can now click a link at the bottom of each topic (under the "watch this topic" link) where you can add a topic to your "favorites" list. In addition, there's a link at the top of the page to view your favorite topics.

Just a little gift from me to you.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


...and it isn't even my birthday or anything.


My very own">game design journal.

Jeffrey Miller

That's a really useful feature!

Have you ever thought about adding a karma or 'ding' system for tracking poster reputation?


Brian Leybourne

Quote from: Jeffrey MillerHave you ever thought about adding a karma or 'ding' system for tracking poster reputation?

Poster reputation?

You mean like "according to the votes to date, this persons posts [are/are not] really worth reading"?

What a god-awful idea.

But yeah, I love the favourites thing.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion

Jeffrey Miller

Quote from: Brian LeybourneYou mean like "according to the votes to date, this persons posts [are/are not] really worth reading"?

Not exactly. Its akin to the crap-filter on slashdot or systems that self-policing communities with light-handed or uninvolved moderators use.

Clinton R. Nixon

The "poster reputation" idea has worked really well for some other sites. It's not something we're going to implement here, for several boring reasons and one non-boring: Ron and I like the idea of a level playing field, where someone can show up one day, and if he's got good ideas and is committed, can get a lot of response.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games