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Proof of Concept Game Design: Where to post?

Started by Wormwood, June 02, 2003, 08:30:42 PM

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That's most of the question. But to flesh it out nonetheless:

Let's say I'm designing a game which is intended to be a hypotest of some theory, possibly GNS, possible unrelated. Should I,

a) Post a thread to the appropriate theory forum.

b) Post a thread to the Indie Games forum.

c) both

or, d) something else entirely.

The main reason I'm asking this, is I have such a game (and possibly more where that came from) and want to determine a procedure for it.

  -Mendel S.

J B Bell

This is just me, not a moderator, blowing air, but what I'd do is to post the game as such to Indie Game Design, and post a pointer in the relevant theory area saying "I've had some thoughts re. GNS/Director Stance/IIEE/Whatever, and as a proof-of-concept I designed such-and-so, at (URL for Design article)."

Then those who want to critique theory can use the theory thread, while those who want to remark on the game as a working design can talk on design.

"Have mechanics that focus on what the game is about. Then gloss the rest." --Mike Holmes

Jack Spencer Jr

Chances are, since this would be about actual game design it should go in Indie Design and then if splitter topics come up, new threads should be started.

Clinton R. Nixon

Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games