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Where did the discussion of stances start

Started by epweissengruber, May 30, 2003, 03:59:14 PM

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I tried doing a search to find the first definitions of "Stances, but didn't quite get what I was looking for.

Can anyone help me find the snowball that started the Stance avalanche?

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

It goes all the way back to the RFGA discussion groups, and for that material, check out John Kim's website. Great place.



My boolean logic funcion is disabled today.

Where is the thread on The Forge where Director, Actor, etc. first started getting going.

Ron Edwards

Sorry EP,

The bad news is that my discussion of Stances began back on the Gaming Outpost, and those threads are either vanished through server crashes or hackings, or currently archived off-line and not immediately accessible.



Thanks Ron (maybe they were Google cached, I will check)

Internet Good: Networks of cross referenced data built up quickly

Intenet Bad: Unreliable archiving.