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Indie Net-gaming - Come join our playground!

Started by Paganini, May 30, 2003, 09:43:39 PM

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Indie-netgaming is an unmoderated discussion forum at Yahoo Groups devoted to the actual play of independantly owned, designed, and published role-playing games. This is not (usually) a forum in which games are actually played. Rather, this is a hub where interested gamers can meet other players to organize and discuss game sessions played over the internet. IRC, e-mail, WebRPG, and">PlayByWeb are common play venues.

Current games include several weekly IRC sessions held in the Indie Net-gaming IRC channel  (open for use to anyone on a first-come first-served basis) as well as a couple of PBeMs, PlayByWeb, and Wiki-based games.

If you're interested in joining a game, starting your own, or just want to visit, follow the link to our">front page.

You must join before posting, but the message archives are open to public viewing. Don't forget to say hello to the Indierog!