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I Have No Idea How to Make PDFs

Started by Gwen, June 01, 2003, 04:44:32 AM

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Quote from: Reimer BehrendsYes, you can. You simply have to choose the Print or Press option instead of Screen optimization.

Ops... I have to check out.

Quote from: Reimer BehrendsOnly insofar as there are hardly any freeware solutions. OOo Writer still has a fair amount of limitations, especially with respect to typography. Any real DTP program will run circles around either OOo or MS Word.

I reckon that there is no freeware Open Source DTP System (Scribus, while promising and quite capable, is unstable and sorely lacking when it comes to typographic control last time I checked), but IMHO you can still produce good-looking RPG manual using Word or OOo. Just check out the Nags Society Worldbook (a steampunk "build" of Fudge). It is laid out using Word, and IMHO, while text line are not "feathered", it's got a clear and pleasant to read layout.

Otherwise you could always learn ConTeXt, a macro package for TeX which is, IMHO easier to learn than LaTeX and more DTP oriented than its more famous cousin. :-) I used it to lay out the italian translation of the venerable Chaosium's Basic Role Playing, but in the end I was only marginally satisfied with the result, although Pragma-Ade guys have created very sophisticated layouts with it. (check Pragma Ade for infos...)

Max Lambertini


My favorite way to create PDFs is PDF 995. you can get it at along with some other PDF programs. It doesn't put any stupid text at the bottom or so, so you can make it look like a real PDF which you have put money into :)