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[Sorcerer] Another "How Would You..." Thread

Started by Lxndr, June 05, 2003, 10:00:53 PM

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The more I talk about all this, the more I want to play (as in, "be a protagonist in") a game where identity is the core of humanity (or some similar concept; free will, maybe?), and the issues I've been rapid-firing at the forum might be explored.  Barring that, I'd be happy to run one too.

Just wistful thinking.
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming

Mike Holmes

Quote from: LxndrJust wistful thinking.

Why? Just post the idea to Indie Netgaming and play. Or di it with a local group. What's holding you back?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


I've no idea how I'd go about doing it with a local group.  The only gamers I personally know the Phoenix area (my current group) are rather resistant to change of any sort.  Whenever I try to introduce a new system or concept to them, it feels like I'm stretching a frayed rubber band that keeps threatening to break (Rolemaster, by the way, is pretty much the "core" game of this group).  Going from Rolemaster to HERO was quite a stretch.  My recent Unknown Armies in Space game feels like it's about to break the rubber band entirely.  They're good people, and I enjoy gaming with them, but...  I don't know.  Maybe it is a dysfunctional gaming relationship, so to speak.  This is the first group I've ever been in where somebody needed to be kicked out (and I was elected the individual to break the news, too).

It was quite an interesting and lengthy quest to find even this many gamers in the area, and I'm not sure if finding another group would be any easier (probably not) and if it would be any better (I don't know).  I'm new to this area, and honestly have a tough time making friends with people (social anxiety disorcer) so the tactic of "converting one's friends" is closed to me.  Previous bulletin board postings I've made at local game shops have been without any sort of answers (seriously; nobody contacted me, period).  I'm hoping that my "RPG Grab Bag" concept will somehow pan out, but I'm still waiting for answers from game stores re: space, etc.

Online, my luck has been better.  Pbems have been my friend for a while, and thanks to indie-netgaming I've wormed my way back into IRC gaming.  I hadn't thought of proposing something there, though; hanging out in the channel, it seems as though there's already quite a glut of gaming.  At least on some nights - other nights seem totally empty.  But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try.

It's a game concept/premise I'd like to run, but it's also one I'd love to play.
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming

Mike Holmes

Hmm. Sorry to drag this so far off topic. We can discuss this elsewhere (like Netgaming).

Anyhow, so you've played Hero System. Do you see the parallels between Sorcerer and Hero? That is, in Hero System, you have Presence Attacks. A special effect application of the rule could be to say that you have +30 PRE (6d6) with the special effect addcitive kisses.

Basically, the Will Boost could normally be used for anything that Will could be used for (pretty damn broad). In this case, however, it's got a "limitation" of "Only to addict with kiss". The mechanics are the same, but the scope is limited. So in fact, this is less powerful in game terms than the less well defined Will Boost.

So where's the power gap?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


I've only gamed SINCE hero 4th, in case that matters.

I wouldn't see that as a presence attack.  I'd call that a Transform or Mind Control, since a presence attack (generally) doesn't addict someone, and in fact its effects don't last more than a few moments.  

Boost Will, up until this point, has felt to me more like a Presence Attack than a Transform/Mind Control.  So to say "hey, it can be used to Transform, too" feels a bit odd to me.  It doesn't map.  In other words, it'd have a "power advantage" of "creates addiction."

Ron's explanation has helped.  Basically, if I grok it right, you've just got to massage the sorcerer building blocks until they fit.  In the necromancy game Ron was referencing, Boost Stamina (which to me seems like some sort of Body/Str/Con Aid, to continue the Hero analogy) or Vitality (Regeneration) can apparently animate the dead (which in hero terms is outside the scope of either power I just described).  It's unlikely that Boost Will could be an addictive kiss, then (or an addictive anything, for that matter), in that particular game.
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming