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The Sandman

Started by Comte, November 03, 2003, 08:47:27 PM

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You know you find the strangest things while reading Frued.  Just today I was reading his essay on The Uncanny and I came acrost this description that I think is worth transcribing.

"He's a wicked man who comes when children won't go to bed, and throws handfuls of sand in thier eyes so that they jump out of thier heads all bleeding.  Then he puts the eyes in a sack and carries them off th the half-moon to feed his children.  They sit up there in thier nest, and thier beaks are hooked like owls beaks, and they use them to peck up naughty boys' and girls' eyes with"

Isn't that terrible!  He sounds like an agent of greed to me.  Both because of his lovely hording of eyes along with the whole bird imagry.  Ah well I just thought some people would find it exciting.  I know I do, heck just the plain horror of starting the game session with finding your best freinded eyeless screaming little brother just fills me with the wrong sort of happyness.  Oh well, maybe I'll be able to move stuff around on my schedual enough to crank a few things out here and there.  Otherwise it will a be awhile.  Anyway use it and post, and enjoy.
"I think where I am not, therefore I am where I do not think.
What one ought to say is: I am not whereever I am the plaything of my thought; I think of what I am where I do not think to think."


Quote"He's a wicked man who comes when children won't go to bed, and throws handfuls of sand in thier eyes so that they jump out of thier heads all bleeding. Then he puts the eyes in a sack and carries them off th the half-moon to feed his children. They sit up there in thier nest, and thier beaks are hooked like owls beaks, and they use them to peck up naughty boys' and girls' eyes with"

In last october, at an italian Con, I presented a LF's event freely inspired by this text.
It was really a great success.



Really tell me how it went...lots of details.  I was just getting out my crayons and construction paper right now to do a few adventures inspired by the quote.  I am curiouse to see what angle you took if from.  

So far I have divided the idea into three sepreate adventures that are currently being out lined and drawn up:

1:  The Sandman is a possesive sprit type thing that flits from body to body.  It of course goes after children who don't sleep but it will use adults and younger siblings to get at its prey.  

2: The next one is more of a traditional idea.  In essense the sandman is a freestanding structure of belief and he actualy lives on the moon.  To get him to leave the children alone they are gonna have to go there and give him a kicking.  They are so riding to the moon on a wave of cats, that has been decided.  I can't decide if the children are going to get there through a dream or not.  In the end I'll let the players decide like I always do.

3:  This one is just terrible and I am uncertain if I should write it or not (I will).  Essentialy because of the way the story gets told and some oif the subsequent events the child's father becomes the sandman himself.  As a result of this he will dominate with a reighn of terror much like a combonation of the first two examples but it will end with the fathers death at the hands of the chillin.  As I type that I realize that its a horrible thing to manipulate players to do.
"I think where I am not, therefore I am where I do not think.
What one ought to say is: I am not whereever I am the plaything of my thought; I think of what I am where I do not think to think."

Jason L Blair

I quite like the dream-like quality of Option 2.

"We have to ride a sleigh of cats to the moon and kick the Sandman."

Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer


I like the third one very much.

In my last LF game i made my players save their parents from being killed by some evil monsters, because they did something terrible in their childhood.

The players decided that their parents couldnt be realy evil and so they saved their lives.

No i think it´s time to show them whos really evil.

Thanks for the idea. I hope Daddy will make them scream. *eg*

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