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Everyone get J.I.S.T.y with it!

Started by c_stone_bush, October 15, 2003, 03:47:03 PM

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Hey everyone. I just finished writing up the rules to my first game called J.I.S.T, and was looking for some feedback. I need another set of eyes to catch any holes that I might have missed in the creations process. You can download the rules (its only a single page .pfd) by going here: and clicking on the J.I.S.T. link at the bottom of the page. Basically the game evolved from the following question: What if instead of controlling their own characters, all of the players controlled the SAME character.

Thanks for looking,

Mike Holmes

Neat site.

You've left out a rule that a lot of people forget. What happens if voting with the Coins is tied? Just as a hypothetical, if you and I are playing, and we each give ourselves all our own Coins, then what do we do? Or on a tie bid?

It says that a player can't run out of tokens. But it seems to me that if he bids all his remaining tokens on a character bid, and loses, that he's out of tokens. What am I misunderstanding?

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