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Started by Ron Edwards, November 02, 2001, 05:54:00 PM

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Shit shit shit!  I forgot, take off that Unknown Armies and replace it with Menschlichkeit.  Sorry, I just got that one, and it looks FUN!


Tor Erickson

Recent Three:
 Dying Earth, Sorcerer, SOAP

Best Three:
 Gamma World, AD&D 2nd ed. (though I haven't played either of those two for years and years), Sorcerer

Want to play:
 Hero Wars, Everway, The Pool

Gordon C. Landis

Hmm, a few changes since the "other thread".  First, the name - yup, I'm Gordon C. Landis.  The reason I often use the middle initial (Campbell, if anyone cares) goes back to my early days working with computer Accounting systems where things named GLxxx (after the General Ledger) were everywhere . . . I'm trying to shift to a simple "Gordon", but you know, old habits.

* Last three games you played?
- D&D 3E
- Orkworld
- InSpectres

(Orkworld and InSpectres were one-shots, but technically, that's the list)

* Favorite three games you've actually played?
- Talislanta
- OD&D homebrew with many elements from Greg Costikiyan's "Swords and Sorcery" SPI boardgame (don't know that I could enjoy it nowadays, though)
- Bar Room Brawl (continuing the 'oddities' trend in my favorites, this was a little thing in White Dwarf designed to be played with D&D. You got a character, a motivation, and the props of the bar . . we must've played 5-6 times, burning down the bar all but once, and having an absolute blast every time. Probably could still enjoy this one - love to see it adapted to DD3E)

(I hope to generate some new favorites soon)

* Three games you've always wanted to play but haven't?
- Tribe 8
- Hero Wars
- Sorceror (probably the "& Sword" flavor)

(I'd explain why this is a different list from the other thread, but that'd let me add an extra game, risking the Wrath of Ron again.  Man, last time I used that "Wrath of Ron" line he mentioned ear-crawlies and I'm not sure which was worse - having to admit I knew EXACTLY what he was talking about, or the memory of just how creeped-out I was the first time I saw that scene.) (under construction)

Jack Spencer Jr

Well, I usually hate playing this game, but here goes.

Last three games I've played are:
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Villians and Vigilantes.

The last two go back two years.  Literally.  And I don't get to game regularly at all so I haven't even been playing D&D.

I don't know if I got a lot of enjoyment out of three games or if three games really stand out.  V&V definately tops the list.  DOn't show me Marvel SAGA or Stuperpowers.  V&V is the THE comic book super hero game to me and I won't be convinced otherwise.

I used to like the Warhammer World a lot but I've since become disenchanted with it.  Mostly because I hate buying pewter.

There are lots of games I'd like to try.  Lots of them.

Little Fears

The list goes on but at the top of that list is my own game game, doggonit!  Well, maybe I should finish writing it.


My name is Lael, this is my first post, though I've been reading through the forums for most of this week.  Very enjoyable reading.

Last three games:
Amber (as a Player)
Exalted (as a GM)
Rolemaster (as a player)

Most enjoyable games:
Vampire (as a player)
Rolemaster (as a player)
Shadowrun (as a player)

Games I'd like to play:
Tribe 8
Skyrealms of Jorune
Legend of the Five Rings

Clinton R. Nixon

I can't believe I missed this thread. As for me:

Last three played: 7th Sea, Dying Earth, Inspectres

Three games I've most enjoyed: Inspectres, D&D3, Sorcerer

Three (or more) games I most want to play: The Whispering Vault, Feng Shui, Sorcerer (& Sword), Orkworld, Dying Earth
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


My name's Mike Gentry, as you all surely guessed by my handwriting.

Last Three Games Played: Call of Cthulhu (using FUDGE), Paranoia, Unknown Armies (using FUDGE). I run CoC and Paranoia; one of my buds runs UA.

Three Games I've Most Enjoyed: Call of Cthulhu (using FUDGE), Warhammer FRP (using FUDGE), Vampire: the Masquerade. That's in terms of what games I happened to be playing when I had my three best roleplaying experiences, as opposed to what games do I like best generally.

Three Games You Want to Play but Haven't: Difficult to narrow it down to only three, but here goes: Tribe 8 (using . . . something; maybe Hero Wars rules?), Paranoia (using Dying Earth rules), Baron Munchausen.

Michael Gentry">Enantiodromia

[ This Message was edited by: gentrification on 2001-12-19 11:56 ]
Michael Gentry

Joe Murphy (Broin)

This is so depressing.

Last played:

Theatrix, with a 1940s pulp setting.
White Wolf's Technocracy
A homemade TransFormers game, with few rules.

Most enjoyed:


God, I hate gaming.

Uhm. Right, I've struggled at this for 5 minutes.

A Star Trek game using GURPs that lasted about 8 sessions (7 years ago).

The TransFormers game I mentioned above, which lasted for 5 sessions (2 years ago).

And maybe... jeez, I dunno... A Kult game. Which lasted a year or so. Mebbe (5 years ago).

I should just kill myself.

Most want to play:

Clearly, I want to play more. Thus:

Unknown Armies. Sorceror. Continuum. Etc.



[ This Message was edited by: Joe Murphy (Broin) on 2001-12-19 16:57 ]


Last Played:

Vampire (different game, several years ago)

Want to play:
D&D 3rd

Tim Denee

Tim's the name, Sim's the game. Well, not really, I'm more of a narrativist, and then a gamist, but those don't rhyme.

Last three: Aedorea (with The Window), Deadlands, ADnD 2'nd ed
Best three: Aedorea, Deadlands, Bad Ass (a terrible game I wrote, but loadsa fun at the time)
The three I yearn for: Puppetland, InSpectres, Sorcerer. But I'd settle for playing anything at all!



Last: D&D 3E, Vampire:tM, Changeling.

Fav: Ars Magica, Orkworld, AD&D 2nd ed (due to a small set of sessions I GMed, where I scared the shit out of my players while spinning the story way too many times to remember:) )

Want to: Hero wars, Sorcerer and L5R (as I will Exalted very soon)

And my name is Ranko Marinic (with a small / over the c)



Last played: Star Wars, D&D, Weird Wars

Most enjoyed: D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Feng Shui

Want to try: Dying Earth, Fading Suns, Elric!



I don't usually much post here, but thinking about these questions was enjoyable so why not post them? :smile:

Last Played: Legend of the Five Rings (played it to death, never touched the new edition), Shadowrun (played it death and then some) and Star Wars (the original - hated the system, but loved my character).

It's actually been a long while since we played something, but I've watched and waited for a good system (while creating one, too).

Most Enjoyed: Legend of the Five Rings (we reached such depths of human drama and immersion into a different culture/mindset that these memories will be with me for a long time), AD&D (1st and 2nd Editions way back in the days, but I really did enjoy it, even if I'm quite sure I couldn't anymore).

Naming a third is rather hard, I've had such fun times in all games. Probably Shadowrun (for sheer volume of played campaigns) or Star Wars (did I say I loved my character?).

Most Want to Play: Hero Wars (tho' Glorantha has never really sparked me, I'm interested in the system and maybe putting it in another setting like Middle-Earth), Sorceror and - duh - sounds stupid, but my home brew system which is still in design phase.

Oh, the name's Joachim Buchert.

Cynthia Celeste Miller

My real name is Cynthia Celeste Miller, like my sig implies.  ;0)

Last Played: Story Engine, Cartoon Action Hour (playtesting) and Champions of the Galaxy

Most Enjoyed: Champions of the Galaxy, Star Wars (WEG version) and Castle Falkenstein

Want To Try: Silver Age Sentinels, Blue Planet and Fallout (the free pen & paper version)

Cynthia Celeste Miller
-Spectrum Game Studios

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 11:13 ]
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games

Ryan Ary

Tru Name is the Same

Played Last: Delta Green, Vampire (stripped down rules), DnD3e (most recent to least)

Alltime Liked: Delta Green, WoD, Paranoia (sorry but it's so liberating joyfully accepting the inevitability of a character's death before you write down the first stat.)

Want to play: Sorcerer and Sword (just bought it yesterday), GURPS Falkinstein, Cthulu by Gaslight

Former, Co-Founder, Thunderhead Games, Inc.
Former, Vice Chairman, DnDCC/FaNCC