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After Lollagazebo Report

Started by Luke, November 11, 2003, 01:42:03 AM

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So I just returned from another convention. I slept all day today to recover and I am still exhausted.

I wanted to give a brief recount of the event in Forge terms.

I had my Forge display on the table with:
Pax Draconis
Sex/Sword/Soul Sorcerer
My Life with Master
and Universalis

plus a stack of Multiverser stuff laid out to the side of it.

Mike Miller ran at least one, I think two, Uni demos at the table. He also ran a Sorcerer game Saturday night. He sold both copies of Uni himself.

The con was lightly attended and my sales figures reflect this, but the Forge stuff did relatively well.
MLwM: 2 copies
Uni: 2 copies
Sorcerer: 1 copy
Sorcerer and Sword: 1 copy

None of the other games in the Forge display generated that much interest or any sales. Sorry! Just telling you what happened.

In contrast BW sold 7 or 8 copies from the table and demos. A piss poor weekend considering we ran three full length adventures, plus melee demos.

Still, we met some great folks and played some fantastic games, which always makes it worth it for me. But I think it is time to rethink my strategy.
