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I'd love to see an expansion of "address."

Started by Jack Spencer Jr, November 14, 2003, 12:59:04 AM

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Ron Edwards

That's a failed courtesy roll, Marco.

1. M.J.'s points about intent correspond with mine. When you agree with him, you're agreeing with what I've posted multiple times. I wouldn't mind seeing that: "Ron, I agree with you regarding intent and Creative Agenda." That's part of discourse, placing your point in context with everything that's been said, not merely to the most recent reply (or to the one that didn't hurt your feelngs, etc).

2. Points made by others in the thread have tried very hard to explain concepts for you. Since no one can do X in exactly the way another person wants them to, they've had to deal with quite a bit of defensiveness and quick-fire retorts from you. I suggest that M.J.'s post accords perfectly with points made by Raven (greyorm), Gareth (contracycle), Matt, and Ralph (Valamir). When you acknowledge his post, you acknowledge theirs - and should say so.

None of this is ego. It's what we do at this place, in order to keep ideas forefront. The Social Contract of discussing role-playing.

I strongly recommend going to Site Discussion, looking up threads based my thread "The Forge as a community" there. You were absent from those discussions, now known as the Infamous Five, and it shows.
