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Started by AdAstraGames, December 04, 2003, 06:12:01 PM

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my friends at nerdnyc and 9th Level Games will be at GenCon. We should try to get their booth into our block.



Quote from: abzumy friends at nerdnyc and 9th Level Games will be at GenCon. We should try to get their booth into our block.


Works for me -- are you the person who coordinates the GenCon booth stuff for The Forge?  Should I drop your name when asking for booth placement and neighbors?

(In fact, we should probably split this out into a new topic)
Attack Vector: Tactical
Spaceship Combat Meets Real Science


No, I am not the "go to" for the Forge booth, Ron is.

But really, when you're ready to start the long haul of planning, start a thread in this forum and we'll start discussing.




I was one of the guys running the Twilight Press booth right around the corner.  Wich was both fortunate and unfortunate at the same time.  Forntunate that I got to meet all of you and unfortunate that I didnt know that there would be a Forge booth beforehand. We would have liked to have teamed up. However, for '04 hopefully we wont miss the boat.

I personally thought that the managed chaos of the Forge booth was an excellent way to organize things.  It made the booth seem fuller and more diverse.  That I wouldnt mess with.  The sticker idea and the demo schedule idea, however, I am whole-heartedly with.  And as far as the marketing with posters and what-not, I would be most willing to help out with.

Speaking of '04, has Ron started organizing the GenCon booth yet?  Has he started putting together a list of companies and collecting money to pay for it?

Anyhow, hopefully the logistical problems that plagued the '03 con will be fixed for the '04 con, and the customers on Saturday wont come in fuming mad hehe.  May this coming year bring even greater prosperity to the Forge booth.

