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Independent Game Forums => lumpley games => Topic started by: Mantisking on February 14, 2009, 08:11:06 PM

Title: [Mechaton] New Lego Microfigs
Post by: Mantisking on February 14, 2009, 08:11:06 PM
Lego is supposed to be releasing some boardgames in the near future.  One of the parts for the game is something that looks like a microfig.  Take a look at a couple of articles about them, here (http://"") and here (http://"").

Now does anyone else think that those microfigs would make good "people" for Mechaton?
Title: Re: [Mechaton] New Lego Microfigs
Post by: Mantisking on February 14, 2009, 11:12:07 PM
Ugh, broken links.  Try ( and (
Title: Re: [Mechaton] New Lego Microfigs
Post by: Zeek on March 02, 2009, 09:39:57 PM
Awesome!  They look to be six plates high.  The micro figs in my games are: Soldiers-5-plates, and Civilians-4-plates.

These will make great "Hero" or "officer" figs.

Darrin (
Title: Re: [Mechaton] New Lego Microfigs
Post by: lumpley on March 02, 2009, 09:59:22 PM
We've been playing with 7- or 8-plate tall microfigs, and I've come to really prefer them that big. Round plate 1x1 for the head, brick 1x1 for the torso, round brick 1x1 for the legs; or else round brick 1x1 for the torso and cone 1x1 for the legs. Sometimes we give them belts and/or hats.

You can even use a headlight brick, a 1x1 technic brick, or a brick with studs on 2 sides for the torso, with a couple of horizontal clip plates for arms. We do that for soldiers: civilians get no arms, soldiers get arms.

Title: Re: [Mechaton] New Lego Microfigs
Post by: Mantisking on March 04, 2009, 01:37:35 PM
More pictures of the new microfigs over on the Brothers Brick. (

The new microfigs look like shrunken versions of the old minifig bodies.  Each section looks to be about two plates tall, and the head looks like a 1x1 fat round brick.

Oh, did I forget to mention at least one game is designed by Reiner Knizia?  :-)