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Inactive File => Arkenstone Publishing => Topic started by: Luca Veluttini on March 02, 2010, 11:47:28 AM

Title: [SS] Solar KOTOR
Post by: Luca Veluttini on March 02, 2010, 11:47:28 AM
Finally I've reached a waypoint in my conversion of Knights of the Old Republic.

Gradually I'll post the focal points. All the material is in Italian (my language). Maybe there will be a translation in English... maybe... ^_^

VIGOR (Endure)
Low-Tech Weapons

REASON (Resist)
Hi-Tech Weapons

Combat Expertise

There are four another Abilities, in Jedi Crunch and in Sith Crunch.
Title: Re: [SS] Solar KOTOR
Post by: Eero Tuovinen on March 02, 2010, 12:44:42 PM
The Ability lists seem sensible. Where will the crunch focus? Will you have only jedi crunch, or will there be other aspects to the crunch landscape?
Title: Re: [SS] Solar KOTOR
Post by: Luca Veluttini on March 02, 2010, 01:03:37 PM
For Jedi Crunch:

Consciousness (R)
Force Technology (R)
Force Use (R)
Lightsaber Use (R)

When a character obtain the Key of Dark Side, he can acquire:

Secret of the Dark Side
The 4 previous Abilities are reducted of 1 point and they relate to Instinct pool. If less than 0, go in debt to obtain (0). Instinct Pool +5 points. You can spend Istinct insted of Reason to activate Secrets of Jedi Crunch.

The 4 Abilities of Sith Crunch, counterparts of the 4 previous are:

Dark Consciousness (I)
Dark Side Technology (I)
Dark Side Use (I)
Lightsaber Violence (I)
Title: Re: [SS] Solar KOTOR
Post by: Luca Veluttini on March 02, 2010, 01:06:06 PM
Quote from: Eero Tuovinen on March 02, 2010, 12:44:42 PM
The Ability lists seem sensible. Where will the crunch focus? Will you have only jedi crunch, or will there be other aspects to the crunch landscape?

I've made these divisions:

- Landscape Crunch
- Destiny Crunch
- Jedi Crunch
- Sith Crunch
- Mandalorian Crunch
- Republic Crunch
- Equipment Crunch
- Ship Crunch

I've centered the attention on Races. In creation you pick up a Race. This Race will give you the initial Key and the initial Secret expected by the normal creation process.