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Inactive File => Universalis => Topic started by: jb.teller4 on December 31, 2010, 09:25:13 PM

Title: Universalis with kids?
Post by: jb.teller4 on December 31, 2010, 09:25:13 PM
So this actual play post ( got me thinking about using Universalis with kids. I have five kids, though only three are old enough to want to play (9 yo boy, 8 yo girl, and 5 yo boy). We haven't played any RPGs yet, though they know I play and have shown some interest.

I've known about Universalis and been interested for awhile, but I just bought it and haven't run it yet. I'm planning on running it with my regular adult group when our current campaign ends in a couple months, but I had already been musing about whether it would work with young kids.

Has anyone here played Universalis with young kids or even just thought about doing it? In the post I linked, the author (jdfristrom (;u=16555)) listed some Gimmicks that he used (paraphrased below). Any thoughts on these gimmicks or variations?  Any other Gimmicks, techniques, or suggestions?

(And feel free to throw out any thoughts on RPGs with kids whether related to Universalis or not).

John B.