So back in the day we always had a "tap-in" thread for Game Chef, where prospective chefs declared their intention to participate. Let's see how many folks are game this year!
I'm kinda involved by default, but I'm also hoping to find a couple days free from admin/judge work to write a game too. My game won't be eligible to win, but it would still be fun to participate in peer reviewing alongside everyone else, so I hope that works out.
Oh hell yah.
Yes please thank you yes yes yes.
Spam is throwing his hat in the ring. Always a student of game design, and determined to make the world a better place, and give back by (eventually) creating something wonderful.
I'm (provisionally*) IN!
* Reserving the right to pass, if the ingredients don't grab me. I'm not a masochist, and I've got other designs needing attention as it is.
I am in. I am in like Flynn. Well...maybe not that in, but I am in.
I am planning on it.
I'm planning on entering, though I may be getting in over my head, so I am not sure if I will actually finish a game.
I'm entering
I'm in.
I'm in
Definitely in.
Totally off-topic, but does anyone know of any good home remedies for aging skin?
That will go from hilarious to completely perplexing when the spam is deleted. Awesome. I suggest you might remedy your skin with a career change. Perhaps party planning?
Oh, and I'm in for Game Chef.
Definitely in, but because I'm italian, I'll participate in the "Pummarola Ediscion" group ^^
I'm definitely in, hopefully I'll have time. My semester starts next week, so I might be a bit busy, but I think I'll be able to do it.
I'm in
Oh man, I hadn't expected it so early this year! I would love to join in, if the taxes I haven't yet started don't get in the way ...
Been too busy running a web forum RPG lately to really design, so it would be good getting back in the saddle.
I'm in!
Giving it a try for the first time.
Tapping in.
I'm in. First year participating!
Also a first for me.
(Ha, I suspected the theme will be something armageddon-ish)
I plan to actually finish this year! BA thesis is due a few days after the end of Game Chef, but I can do both at once, right?
Lets do this.
In, provisionally. Will likely drop midway as work schedules and Real life conspire against me... as usual.
I do hereby declare my intention to submit a thing, even if that thing ends up being a steaming pile of shit. :-D
I am definitely in.
I'm planning on it. This'll be my first attempt. Hopefully it all goes well.
A friend of mine told me I'm doing this--so I am!
I'm in.
I think this is my first ever post on The Forge.
I'm in.
Wow, I almost missed that !
Well, I'll give it a try, and see what comes out.
I would be most interested in participating.
Giving it a shot.
I think I'll give it a try :-)
I am absolutely in; this should be great.
I count 35 already... 36 if Artman can get over being impressed by the schlubs he quotes in his post. ;-)
Not bad... not bad...
Mike, we've had at least 232 hits on Vincent's random threads page. Just sayin.' I think we're definitely beating last year's 67 games. Might even beat the all-time record of 82. It helps that we have a lot of Italian folks participating too.
I am in the in crowd.
::dons poufy white hat::
Now is the time. Let us design. Let us not quietly into that good night.
::rolls up sleeves and starts typing::
Yeah, I have some ideas.
I'm giving it a go.
am in yes, yes indeed. Fricken wonderful theme. Can't get enough. OMG i'm so excited to see what you all make!
I don't think it would be right to miss the last game chef before the end of the world...
I'm just sayin'
also, I'm going to create a game for this insane endeavor one more time.
yes I said yes I will Yes.
Looks like I'm in.
I'm totally in. I'm very excited for this.
For those who don't know, I tend to hang out a lot at #indierpgs on the magicstar network on IRC. With no encouragement from myself at all, looks like we have at least four regulars from the room (and/or #playnow) who are participating this year. Oh, and though I can tell you that I'm not helping any of them, but they're helping the heck out of each other already. Folks better be bringing their best dishes to the table this year, is all I'm sayin...
I ain't got time to help them, even if I wanted to... I'm working on my own designs over there! Stop in and say hi. We're open for business most of the hours that are on the clock.
P.S. if you don't want to download a client for IRC, you can get reasonable mileage out of
I suppose I'm tapping in. Completely forgot about Game Chef until I happened to hit reddit (I go onto /rpg maybe once or twice a month, so that was really lucky) and see that the ingredients were posted.
I'll be designing and writing this with my roommate, who's also moving out this week, so "Last Chance," indeed.
I'll definitely give a try. It's my first time (:
I'm definitely in at the start-line, for what that's worth. We'll see what shape I'm in at the finish...
This is my second Game Chef, third design event, having entered 2009 Little Game Chef and 2011 Game Chef.
Bon chance!
I see a strong local attendance so my pride directs me toward the competition ;)
First time for me also, got my ingredients, got a idea, time to roll :)
Good luck and may the best chef win :)
I could see a person with a name like anansi doing something really cool with coyote, as you are clearly steeped in mythological lore... :)
Quote from: Mike Holmes on April 07, 2012, 03:13:31 AM36 if Artman can get over being impressed by the schlubs he quotes in his post. ;-)
Oh, I'm all good now. The four design threads ( I got were for Great Ork Gods, Capes, Unsung, and a die mechanic that seems... familiar. I got Bigger, Better Schlubs to prop up my design!
Got my inspiration last night. I'm in.
I think Dev may win the award for best tap in...
I've been lurking here for years and I'm finally going to take the plunge
I've never successfully participated in a Game Chef. But, you know, giving the Forge a last hurrah...totally a worthy cause. :-)
I'm in.
Just wanted to thank everyone for giving me the chance to participate, but due to some RL problems involving my computer I prolly wont be able to actually submit my design.
Maybe better luck for me next year,
I totally respect RL stuff - sorry to hear it, Snake_Eyes.
That said: analog handwriting + notebook + cameraphotos = most punk DIY rpg pdf ever.
Quote from: DevP on April 11, 2012, 03:15:17 PM
I totally respect RL stuff - sorry to hear it, Snake_Eyes.
That said: analog handwriting + notebook + cameraphotos = most punk DIY rpg pdf ever.
Thanks so very much for your encouragement and support,
Tbh it is just my computer playing up really that is the big problem, and losing my portable hard drive.
So Ill try to write some more of the game while I am at a friends house, if I baby sit his dogs while he is in hospital I *might* have a chance of completing it, but Ill just put a note in the ideas dump that anyone can use the premise and whatever. I had some extra mechanisms, and some possible elements of story that I could not use personally because of time, and word limit constraints, so I would love for someone to give the game a whirl.
What will prolly happen is that I will finish the game at a later date, and just link to it on RPGnet, or similar site so that the forum members that expressed interest get a chance to at least see a final version, even if it means it is not eligble to be a contestant I think there are a few submissions (such as the judges) that are just doing this for some creative fun. Personally I just wanted to get some Cheffery happening so that I got an idea of working around that kind of restraint.
I did a solo challenge of the 24 hour RPG the other week, and I used the theme of 2011 Game Chef to write a game with unique dice mechanisms, and some background story. It was universally hated and despised on RPGnet. So I am sure that all of these kinds of challenges will help me grow as a writer and collaborator in the RP community.
I dont know how to use a camera-phone, though I guess I could write up the game and scan it from an internet cafe or library. So thanks very much for that suggestion DevP, it is a really good one!
Cheers for the advice and mentoring,
:) Snake_Eyes
Quote from: DevP on April 11, 2012, 03:15:17 PM
That said: analog handwriting + notebook + cameraphotos = most punk DIY rpg pdf ever.
that is a seriously badass idea!
Just learned about this competition today. I figure I'll give it a shot and see if I can come up with something decent.
SO in! With the ingredients this year, it's only a question of WHICH game idea to focus on!
Quote from: Jonathan Walton on April 04, 2012, 03:26:02 PM
So back in the day we always had a "tap-in" thread for Game Chef, where prospective chefs declared their intention to participate. Let's see how many folks are game this year!
I'm kinda involved by default, but I'm also hoping to find a couple days free from admin/judge work to write a game too. My game won't be eligible to win, but it would still be fun to participate in peer reviewing alongside everyone else, so I hope that works out.
I'm officially in again. I'll be posting some content soon.
In from Italy!
A bit late but I've been doodling a game for a few days now and I'm in!
Well, it's absolutely late... I knew right some minutes ago... but I'll try!!!
I totally didn't think I had the ambition to participate.
Now maybe I've changed my mind.
So I have the basic outline of my submission finished, it is a very traditional "space opera" kind of game, I probably wont have it finished in the next few hours, so what do I do?
:) Snake_Eyes
Not sure where to post this, but I am officially tapping out. I actually got fairly far along in the process, but I am not submitting the game for a variety of reasons, most of which are personal. The most compelling and pertinent reason is that although I think my game had some interesting ideas, I ultimately designed something that I would probably have no interest in playing.
I still look forward to reading the other submissions.
Snake Eyes: If it's close to being playable, you should definitely still submit it!
Rishi: That's cool. Some years it comes together and some years it doesn't. I've participated in Game Chef every year that it's existed but ended up not turning something in more than a few times. Hope you still feel like you got something out of it!
well, my souffle didn't quite rise :(
good luck to those who finished!
Quote from: Jonathan Walton on April 15, 2012, 05:29:29 PM
Snake Eyes: If it's close to being playable, you should definitely still submit it!
I put the first submission in my thread posts #12 and #13. I dont think it is up to the standard for proper submission. (Since I am posting from a friends computer I cant export it as a PDF).
If anyone is interested Ill export it as a PDf when I get my computer fixed, and I will submit it as a late (and ineligible) entry, prolly in a week or two.
Thanks for the all the help everyone, it was a lot of fun,
:( Snake_Eyes
I submitted a game several hours ago, but my comment on the submission page is still "awaiting moderation" ...
Not sure if that's normal (other Chefs already submitted their game after me), so I hope there's nothing wrong with my stuff.
It was a really great experience, I'm still working on three other designs that will not be submitted (running out of time here).
Now, I'm looking forward to review other Chef's games !
My game is not complete yet, but whether or not it ends up fully baked by the time 2359 rolls around, I will have submitted whatever it is I do have (to JWalt via email, of course).
If it's the first time you've commented on the Game Chef blog, I have to approve your comment before it's posted. After that, you should be good. It just prevents us from being spammed like crazy.