Re: Good Game Gone Long

Started by David B. Goode, January 01, 2008, 03:02:56 AM

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David B. Goode

Thanks for the great insights, Matt.

Actually, everyone seems happy with where their characters are, or at least where they are immediately going onto (i.e.: getting married, etc.).

You were dead on. This is the first "ending" we've reached as a group. In fact, the concept of a role-playing game ending is pretty new to me. I mean, it makes sense. Good stories have endings (except the Simpsons, of course).

I've discussed a few times the concept of a "limited run". I think now my players can understand the concept better, and so can I.

Next Friday will be our final game of this story-line. Character-sheets will be tucked away, and new characters will be designed. I'm excited, but I'm kinda sad. Its been a lot of fun,and I'll miss them.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." ~Gandalf the Grey

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Matt Snyder

That's great, David. I can't speak for your group. They have their own preferences. But, if it were me in their "chairs" I'd be very happy with such a game and its completion. Good luck on the next one!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra